
We have been thrilled with the reception to Dr. Z’s book, Parenting a Troubled Teen. Recently, we came across this review by parent and clinician, Thomas:

As a therapist and parent of a teen who has seen Dr. Ona for social anxiety, I highly recommend her and this book. One of the things I love about this book is that many parents want their teens to change, but they don’t see themselves as part of the problem. Relationships are a system, so anytime one person is problematic, the entire system needs to change. This book does address your teens behaviors and behavioral issues, but (I think) more importantly it helps you, the parent, look at yourself – your values – what YOU are doing and trying to teach and impart, and figure out how you can do things differently in order to impact your teen in a different and more effective way. I absolutely LOVE Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – I work with couples and use this theory in my work every day. Here it is effectively explained and used to help you parent your teen in ways that are effective and can both help your teen and also help YOU find your parenting center.

Thank you, Thomas!


For other reviews and the Amazon book page, click here

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