
Very often in my clinical work I’m face with moments in which I’m inviting my clients “to do” something different from what they usually do when dealing with their struggles; to develop an alternative behavioral repertoire to their pain. 

Sometimes, my clients are willing to take risks and do something different that may initially feel counter-intuitive; other times they’re not.

On my side as a clinical psychologist, I’ll work to the best I can to extend my arm, reach where my clients are, work together with them to learn from their pain, and continue to assist them to move towards a rich life. However, I also know that on my clients side, they have all the freedom to make a choice whether they reach my arm or not. 

This post is about those moments of choice. Whether you’re suffering with anxiety, depression, problematic eating, interpersonal problems, etc. you can make a conscious decision about how you want to respond to your pain.

Sometimes, it may feel that you don’t have room to choose your response. Nevertheless, if like an “emotional detective” you learn to closely look at the moment in which your struggle arises along with the urges to engage in “old behaviors”, you may also see that there is a moment for you to step back and make a decision about your response. That moment to step back,  that’s what I called a moment of choice, and sometimes it’s a fraction of seconds, like a crack in the door, that will make a difference. 

You can continue responding to your pain as usual, and no one better than you know where it takes you; or, you can fully open the door and do something different. 


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