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Giveaway: Parenting A Troubled Teen

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We are so excited to announce that Goodreads is offering a chance to get a free copy of Dr. Zurita Ona’s latest book, Parenting a Troubled Teen!  This practical book is a great resource to parents who have frequent conflicts with their emotional teens, and walks parents through ways of breaking cycles of conflict. Parents will learn to become more aware of the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations behind their parenting behavior, and the impact they have on their teen. By the end, parents can reshape their relationship with their teen, help them learn to manage their emotions, and stop the never-ending family fights. To read more about the book, visit this link.


This giveaway will be open from September 8th until the 18th, so mark your calendars!

To join the giveaway, click here

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Procrastination is not laziness. It's a skills problem.

Learn actionable and research-based skills to deal effectively with the cycle of procrastination.

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-How to manage those overwhelming emotions that push you to postpone and delay activities.

-How to deal effectively with those tricky thoughts that make it hard for you to get things done.

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