Pure is a comedy drama fictional adaptation of Rose Cartwright’s memoirs about experiencing obsessive compulsive disorder. The show follows 24-year old, Marnie, who in the beginning feels isolated for having very strange sexual thoughts. She then discovers that her thoughts are due to condition called OCD, reassuring her that she is not the terrible person she thought she was after all. Many viewers are falling in love with the honest portrayal as they are living with this condition.

Like many British tragicomedy, Pure highlights the difficulties of having a mental illness but in a comedic way that helps you understand that you’re not the alone. Writer of the show, Wil Sharpe, says it best: “I find laughter a helpful way to make yourself feel better. I don’t feel like having a mental illness rules out a kind of joyful, fulfilling life.”

To find out more about the show, check out this link. 

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