ACBS world conference 2017


In our last of the recaps, we thank Dr. Z for sharing her knowledge to advance the field and help those dealing with anxiety or emotion dysregulation.

Dr. Z advocating for ACT using her extensive research and clinical knowledge

ACT for Emotion Dysregulation Problems (Borderline Personality Disorder)

In a presentation targeted towards clinicians, Dr. Z, along with Dr. Robinson, Dr. Strosahl, and Dr. Pistorello, spoke to the efficacy of using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with clients who suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), or emotion dysregulation. While the current standard for treatment of BPD is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Dr. Z and her colleagues presented ACT as a more flexible, client-tailored, and transdiagnostic approach that breaks the “one size fits all” mold of BPD. She described conceptual and clinical differences between the approaches, and taught how to deliver ACT interventions for clients suffering from BPD or features of the disorder.



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