Do you often feel like your head is going to blow over from anger or frustration like a pot of boiling milk? Do you have a hard time controlling your feelings, especially anger? Has anyone ever expressed fear or conflict with your reactions?

There are ways to manage anger, and to feel more in control of your reactions. Anger doesn’t need to take over the moment or your relationships with others. Taking an assessment may help you gauge how you handle anger, and it can be a step in a healthy direction to help yourself before anger takes over your life.

Click here to take an assessment about Anger Management





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How to Skillfully Tackle Procrastinating Behaviors

Procrastination is not laziness. It's a skills problem.

Learn actionable and research-based skills to deal effectively with the cycle of procrastination.

-How to avoid becoming a goal junkie, setting unrealistic goals.

-How to develop a new mindset to get things done!

-How to manage those overwhelming emotions that push you to postpone and delay activities.

-How to deal effectively with those tricky thoughts that make it hard for you to get things done.

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