
Social flexibility group (teens & adults)


(teens & adults)

Why a social flexibility group?

Over the years we have been worked with teens and adults struggling with “fear of embarrassment or humiliation in social situations.” Most people dwell over these situations either before, during, or after them. Sadly, the task of managing their anxiety becomes a full time job, 24/7 days a week, with the end result of avoiding social events or attending to them using emotional crutches (carrying meds, playing with the cell phone as a form of distraction, attending to events only with “safe people,” etc).

In United states, social  anxiety is the fourth most common psychological problem; it affects 7% of the adult population and 1-3 adolescents aged 13-18 are affected as well. We know social anxiety exists, and we know how to effectively treated, but here is the problem: it’s an under-diagnosed condition.

Socially anxious or shy/introverted teens by nature are not the kids/teens that are going to get in trouble, unless they get bullied, then their struggles are more visible. In fact, socially anxious kids have a solid academic performance for the most part and therefore teachers don’t notice their struggles unless the academic task involves doing a presentation or when their grades are based on active social participation. However, they really struggle building friendships, maintaining a conversation, ordering food, or simply dealing with others. They really want a friend but anxiety takes over when the opportunity presents.

In adult life, socially anxious people struggle so much more because there is an extreme cultural pressure for everyone to be socially outgoing and extroverted, especially in work environments, as it if by nature everyone has or should have a sociable temperament. The process of applying for a job, interviewing, speaking about their work skills and/or “socially” presenting themselves it’s not a simple but a colossal task for them (more than you can imagine). As therapists, we’re also aware that there is so much we can do in individual therapy; the impact of group learning when dealing with social anxiety is actually a very important component of treatment & help for these clients (as research has consistently showed us). 

This is a group that gets YOU out, and gets YOU out, AT YOUR PACE!

What’s unique about our group?



Our social flexibility group is a 10-week program that will allow participants to understand how anxiety has become a problem in their life and will prepare them to face places, situations, or people they have been avoiding in a very safe manner and at their pace.

Personalized life exposures will also be conducted in order to fully make a difference in the treatment. The first five weeks of treatment take place in our office and the other five outside at different locations: grocery stores, coffeeshops, etc.




Group facilitator: TBD

Date & time: TBD

Beginning date: TBD

Register for your group intake right away!

Are you dealing with intense OCD and anxiety?

Our intensive program will teach you all the skills you need to get back into your life!

Why our clients love working with us


"Working with Patricia Zurita Ona has changed and saved my life. I have struggled off and on for years with sever anxiety disorder and OCD . I have been to therapy throughout the years and have found some helpful but nothing really got to the core of the problem. I often felt crazy and that my incredible fear and my phobias would remain with me thorough my life, I would not drive on the freeway, eat certain things and had constant catastrophic thinking, thus creating a lot of depression.

I needed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which I saw advertised on many therapists’ websites. When I would call most of them they said they offered it and specialized with Anxiety Disorder/ OCD which was not the case. I had felt alone, hopeless and frustrated for the past 9 years. Never feeling like I was getting the help I needed. It was not until I started meeting with Patricia that I actually started to feel better and feel as if I had control over my life and started to live again ...

“Patricia and her team have completely changed my life! I cannot express my gratitude enough.

She helped me craft values and goals I wanted to have in my relationships, and walked me through each step of how to get there. Her methods are simple, manageable, and make sense when you are upset. I’ve been to therapists who have told me to take deep breaths, visualize calming colors, rip paper, go for a walk or scream in to a pillow when im angry. But in the moment, when im soooo angry, none of these world work. I would forget to do them, or I would already be so angry, that they were ineffective to help me calm down. Patricia’s methods are not only EXTREMELY effective, but they are easy to do, they make sense in the moment, and they bring about radical change when you apply them ...


“I do not know how it reflects on my credibility should I happen to brag about being a seasoned vet when it comes to therapists and mental wellness pursuits. Regardless, I am. And on top of that, I also happen to be a health care practitioner myself. This means, for the purposes of a review, that when I walk into a new Doctor’s office, there is an additional dimension of critiquing for me to process. I would never willingly put myself under the guidance and care of a Doctor who did not 1) Impress me as a capable and honest caregiver and 2) Impress me as a professional colleague.

– Empathy
– Knowledge
– Professionalism
– Respect

I think that these are the basic bulletpoints that strike me when I consider why I think so highly of Patricia. Dr. Zurita takes NOTHING more seriously than the pursuit of her profession. Except possibly you, the patient.

Some therapists really care.

Other therapists are extremely knowledgeable.

Very few therapists are both. Patricia Zurita Ona is one of those very few.”

What if most of the chaos in your mind goes to the background by learning research-based life skills and getting clear about what matters to you?

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Get real, practical, and research-based skills to stop "playing-it-safe." 

Frequently asked questions

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Questions about billing?
Questions about medication?
Questions about our IOP?

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45 Quail Court, Suite 204
Walnut Creek, Ca 94596

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Procrastination is not laziness. It's a skills problem.

Learn actionable and research-based skills to deal effectively with the cycle of procrastination.

-How to avoid becoming a goal junkie, setting unrealistic goals.

-How to develop a new mindset to get things done!

-How to manage those overwhelming emotions that push you to postpone and delay activities.

-How to deal effectively with those tricky thoughts that make it hard for you to get things done.

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