TEDx talk
- Do you spend hours in your head thinking about something that happened, could have happened, or might happen?
- Have you ever thought of a situation, over and over, trying to come up with the best decision but didn’t take any action?
- How often do you over-prepare so you don’t make any mistakes?
- When was the last time you postponed a project because it wasn’t good-enough?
- Do you minimize your needs so you don’t rock the boat in a relationship?
We all play-it-safe by thinking in a particular way or acting in a particular way; it’s cozy and familiar to do what your cautious mind pushes you to do.
The challenge is when those playing-it-safe moves take a like on their own.
In this TEDx talk, Dr. Z describes why you play-it-safe, identifies the look, feel, and sound of the most common playing-it-safe moves, and teaches you micro-skills to check whether those playing-it-safe actions help you to be the person you want to be or not.
Dr. Z’s work is dedicated to helping all her clients to get “unstuck from fear-based reactions” and live the life they want to live.
A key question to her work is “how can we get unstuck from any other form of fear-based reactions so we can live a meaningful, fulfilling, and purposeful life?”
Stop playing-it-safe and start living
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