intakes for ACT
For New Clients
getting started
If you already had a phone conversation or email exchange with our intake coordinator, go to step 1, below, and book an “INTAKE APPOINTMENT” by following all the steps.
If you didn’t talk to anyone from our center, call us right away at 925-956-4636, and let us briefly learn what you are looking for.
1. Select one of the options below based on the therapist’s name you were given during the phone conversation with the intake coordinator. From the pull down menu, select the option “intake appointment.”
2. Select a time based on the slots available in the calendar.
3. Proceed with booking prompts and payment.
4. Check for a confirmation email from us, which will include your virtual link as well as instructions to access our intake forms for coaching.
5. Your appointment is scheduled!
Online courses
Home-study programs
You can learn actionable, compassionate and research-based skills from the comfort of your own home and at your pace.
Each online class includes high-quality videos, worksheets, and audio-recorded exercises.

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Why our clients love working with us
How to start working with us
get unstuck
Figure out what's really keep you stuck and struggling by having a comprehensive intake session.
We work with children, teens, and adults and do our best to get you back into your life!

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get actionable skills

What if most of the chaos in your mind goes to the background by learning research-based life skills and getting clear about what matters to you?
45 Quail Court, Suite 204
Walnut Creek, Ca 94596
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