Our coaching services are exclusive for residents outside the state of California or the United States so we can provide specialized services to those that want to get unstuck from any form of anxiety-based struggle that is affecting their day-to-day life.
What Is Acceptance & Commitment Coaching?
What we do
“Behavioral interventions” can be a loaded term for some people. Most people understand it as an approach that focuses on action, goals, or steps.
Here is a big clarification: There is no question that ACT, as a behavior model, invites you to take action in your day-to-day living, but there are specific characteristics that make ACT unique and different than any other behavioral approach.
ACT doesn’t just ask you to take any action or random actions. Before asking you to take any action, ACT asks you to check the big-picture stuff about what sort of person you want to be, invites you to get in touch with what gives you meaning, challenges you to figure out what you want to stand up for, and then encourages you to take action based on what truly matters to you. Pretty neat, right?
ACT teaches you to make room for the yucky stuff – disturbing obsessions, fears, and worries – that shows up under your skin, and instead of pretending they are not there or putting all your efforts into getting rid of them, you learn to put all your energy into moving with your feet, hands, and mouth toward what matters to you.
What’s Unique About Our Approach to Coaching?
What we do
While other coaching approaches focus soley on your strenghts, we do believe that it;s also necessary to understand your stuck points and unhelpful playing-it-safe moved or thinking patterns that are keeping your stuck in order to take effective action, in the direction that matters to you and towards your goals.
We offfer a very unique niche understanding of how Acceptance and Commutment skills and behavioral science can be applied together to your struggles related to fear, anxiety and stress in order to improve your performance, well-being and relationship with yourself.
Online Courses
Home-study programs
You can learn actionable, compassionate and research-based skills from the comfort of your own home and at your pace.
Each online class includes high-quality videos, worksheets, and audio-recorded exercises.
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Why our clients love working with us
How to start working with us
get unstuck
Figure out what's really keep you stuck and struggling by having a comprehensive intake session.
We work with children, teens, and adults and do our best to get you back into your life!
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get actionable skills
What if most of the chaos in your mind goes to the background by learning research-based life skills and getting clear about what matters to you?
45 Quail Court, Suite 204
Walnut Creek, Ca 94596
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