How to start therapy with us
intake process
First step
Call for a phone screening
Since we are a specialized boutique therapy practice, it’s important to briefly learn about what you are looking for and assess whether we have the expertise or availability to fulfill your therapy needs.
Second step
Schedule an intake session (s)
Based on our phone conversation, and if we both agreed that there is an opportunity for us to work together, we’ll invite you to schedule an intake session by simply clicking HERE.
Third step
Meet us for your intake session
The intake session for adults lasts 110 minutes and for children and teens lasts 140 minutes.
During the intake session, we’ll do our best to fully understand what you’re struggling with.
Prior to the intake session(s) you will be asked to complete a clinical questionnaire.
Fourth step
Receive your treatment recommendations
Make an informed decision.
After we meet for your intake session, you will receive our written treatment recommendations.
Latest tips
Removing Privileges as a Parent to a Child with OCD
As a parent to a teen with OCD, are you often asking yourself... "what can I be doing to get my teen to stop doing these compulsions?" Removing Privileges is NOT helpful to your teenager's ability to manage their OCD, mental health or own progress in treatment. ...
Separation Anxiety Disorder & Social Anxiety
Georgia is a 10 year old only child who lives with her parents. Georgia worries about the wellbeing of her parents “everyday, all the time.” She worries that they may be in a car crash, have a heart attack, or experience an attack of violence. She wants to be close to...
The Compassionate Self Identity at work by Dr. Yotam Heineberg
A portion of the human experience that many of us enjoy and delight in has to do with experiences of joy, awe, and celebration. Another portion which many of us grapple with has to do with the realities of pain, challenge and suffering. We find ourselves afraid to...
Social Anxiety & OCD
Stephanie is a 16 year old girl struggling with both Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Social Anxiety. In regard to social anxiety, Stephanie worries that people will judge her for the way that she eats, so she skips eating lunch at school or orders simple...
Body Image Concerns
Body image concerns refers to how an individual sees their own body and how attractive they feel themselves to be. Many people have concerns about their body image, these concerns often focus on weight, skin, hair, or the shape or size of a certain body part. However,...
There are two different kinds of phobias, specific phobia and social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder). A specific phobia is an intense fear of something identifiable, like an object, animal, situation, or place. This fear is much different and more...
Online courses
online education
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) skills for
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessions + compulsions + avoidance = restricted life
I’m afraid of hitting someone in the street if I don’t pay attention when driving. I cannot let go of this awful feeling that comes when I don’t share everything with some people. If I don’t hear from others that I didn’t do anything cruel to my kitty, I cannot leave the house. Would I feel love when I die?
click here →
Why our clients love working with us
How to start working with us
get unstuck
Figure out what's really keep you stuck and struggling by having a comprehensive intake session.
We work with children, teens, and adults and do our best to get you back into your life!

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What if most of the chaos in your mind goes to the background by learning research-based life skills and getting clear about what matters to you?
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45 Quail Court, Suite 204
Walnut Creek, Ca 94596