Superthinkers:Take a glimpse at what life is like with Pure O (2 min read)
Emily DiNuzzo reports accounts of individuals with OCD and Pure O. Samantha Jean describes “I remember one of my therapists said you might not always be afraid of germs but [OCD] will always be there and it’ll come back in different ways,” Jean says. “The obsessions...Superthinkers: See how your OCD is tricking you (2 min read)
Veronica is a participant in Young Faces of Mental Illness, a collaboration with SANE and batyr supporting young adults to share their stories, here she shares 5 lies her OCD tells her. Your thoughts are dangerous: Your OCD may tell you that your thoughts are...
Superthinkers and superfeelers: Do you avoid your emotions? (1 min read)
This comic from the Awkward Yeti seems to capture so much about how superfeelers and superthinkers might interact with difficult feelings, and use technology and social media. Who can relate to going on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat as soon as something...Superthinkers: Have you heard of these 7 types of obsessions?
Beyond the well-known manifestations of OCD that can include hand-washing, counting, and checking, OCD can manifest in a myriad of ways. As the author of this VICE Tonic article, and person with OCD writes, At its core, for me and others, OCD is a disorder of doubt. A...