Parent Series: What You Need to Know About Mood Fluctuations: Depression, Bipolar, Cyclothymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder
In this article, we take a few of the mood-related diagnoses apart and see what they’re actually about, and what it might look like in your child.
Parent series: are you parenting a super-feeler?
Does your kid "feel too much, too quick, and too soon?' Is your teen a highly sensitive teen? If so, you know that parenting highly sensitive teens can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. You feel stressed out, impatient, angry, frustrated, powerless, or...
Parent series: is your teen sad or depressed?
Depression is a term that’s thrown around a lot in our daily lives and often used synonymously with feeling sad. However, depression is a clinical disorder and needs to be addressed as such. This blog post will help parents better understand and differentiate between...
Parent series: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Does your child experience chronic, severe, and persistent irritability? Children are moody, but your child may be experiencing irritability, anger, mood swings and temper outbursts at levels that are intensely out of proportion to the situation and frequent enough...
For parents: Is your teen “trapped” by depression?
The "depression trap" is a term that describes the ways in which feeling depressed leads us to behave in ways the create more depression. When we are depressed we usually don't feel like doing much or we intentionally avoid situations because they are likely to upset...
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