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Parent series: Why is my kid so obsessed with their smell?
Is your teen is overly concerned about is body odor ? Does he asks you often to check whether his body is smelling or not? Does he asks you to not forget to buy cologne otherwise he wouldn't be able to go out? Does he asks you to open the window so nobody can smell...
Parent series: My teen wants to do everything correct & right. Watch out for OCD!
Teens work as hard as they can in school. Getting into college is hard and getting straight A’s is unfortunately almost expected for applicants. This immense pressure that your teen is under can make him extremely focused on doing everything perfectly, paying...
Parent series: my kid is so clean; he washes his hands multiple times. watch out for Contamination OCD!
If you’ve read our blogs before, you’re probably familiar with the term OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Today we’re talking about a specific subset of OCD in a specific age range – Child and adolescent contamination OCD. There are many different types of OCD,...
Parent series: appreciation skills– “I see you”
Dr. Zurita Ona’s recently published book discusses parenting skills that they may be especially helpful for parents of teens who seem to have an emotional switch that turns to the max in response to small triggers. One of the core skills emphasizes appreciation of...
Parent series: intensive versus weekly therapy for OCD
If your child is struggling with OCD symptoms it can be a challenging time for you, your kid, and your family. Whether they are newly diagnosed, or have received treatment previously, you have some decisions to make for what kind of treatment they will need to get...
Parent series: my teen silently prays, repeat sentences: Watch out for OCD! (pure OCD)
While many people are familiar with the words Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), the way in which OCD shows up in an individual can vary dramatically. Most people are familiar with OCD that involves symptoms of hand washing or cleaning, but there are many other...
Parent series: he does his homework so perfect: watch out for OCD!
The presentations of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be very different and some ways that children are actually acting on their OCD may be very subtle, such as doing their homework “perfectly”. These are some things to look out for if you find your child is...
Parent series: My kid is picking his skin- what is dermatillomania?
It is common for adolescents to become more focused on grooming and appearance as they mature. However, there are disorders of typical grooming behaviors that sometimes develop too. If you have noticed your child picking at scabs or their acne and wondered if this is...
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