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For parents: What NOT to do if your kid is introverted by nature
Introversion and extroversion are reliable personality characteristics that have a biological basis, and as a parent it’s important to respect your child or teen’s comfort level if they have more of an introverted personality. It’s tough for an introvert to be raised...
Social anxiety (4): What about dating?
Dear Readers, This is the fourth post of a series about social anxiety; hopefully you'll find them helpful. This particular post is about social anxiety and dating. For those of you struggling with social anxiety, shyness, or introversion, dating can be an especially...
Is your teen struggling with social anxiety?
This post is part of a series on social anxiety: (1) social anxiety, shyness, and introversion and (2) what keeps social anxiety going? Although the content of this series is primarily for adults, it also applies to children and adolescents. A national survey...
Social Anxiety (1): Social anxiety, shyness, and introversion.
Over my years of practice, I have noticed that a large percentage of my clients are those who struggle with social anxiety or chronic shyness. They come to therapy because of their ongoing difficulties with these issues at school, work, and/or in intimate...
Social phobia/anxiety and values-based exposure
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about what characterizes social phobia/anxiety and mentioned briefly that the most effective treatments have an exposure-based component. Now, occasionally when I tell my clients, new or current ones, about exposure-based interventions...

Social phobia/anxiety and ideopathic craniofacial erytheme
Did you hear the term "ideopathic craniofacial erytheme?" This is a medical term to describe severe facial blushing that can be easily triggered. From time to time in my clinical work with clients struggling with social phobia/anxiety I hear the question: Can you...
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