
Important clarification:

  • These questionnaires are for self-reflection and informational purposes only.
  • These questionnaires are not intended to function as a psychological assessment or replace a diagnosis.
  • After completing this questionnaire you will receive your results immediately.

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I feel tense, stressed, or on edge.

I can't seem to relax as much as I would like to, even when I try.

My hands shake or I anticipate failure a good deal of the time.

I jump at the sound of loud noises, even when they don't sound dangerous.

It takes me a lot longer than others to relax.

I'm always prepared for or expecting something bad to happen to me.

I feel vulnerable, like many things could hurt me, even though no one specific is trying to hurt me.

My emotions always seem to be "on," even though I try to be calm and relaxed.

I feel depressed.

My feelings are intense, and debilitating.

Sometimes I wish I would die.

It doesn't take much for me to get going and I react to even minor events.

Many times, "emotional" commercials make me cry.

I wear my feelings on my sleeve in that when I feel something, I typically express it openly.

Other people tell me that I'm an emotional person.

I believe that I feel my emotions more intensely than others do.

When someone else hurts, I frequently hurt with them.

I seem to be keyed in to what others are thinking and feeling.

Once I start feeling an emotion, it's hard for me to stop feeling it.

I can't stop feeling anxious or depressed without great effort.

My feelings frequently don't tell me how I should best behave or what I should do next.

I cannot trust my gut reactions like others seem to be able to do.

I wish that I could eliminate my feelings because they seem to get in my way rather than help me most of the time.

When I feel tense, I do everything possible in order to feel differently as fast as possible.

When someone hurts me, I usually leave the room no matter what the consequences are.

I can't stand it when I begin to feel down and depressed.

I can't stand strong emotions, even if they are normal.

I stay away from people who make me uncomfortable, even if they are not mean to me.

I avoid situations and people who have hurt me in the past, even when this is difficult to do.

I do whatever I can to avoid being hurt, even though I may miss opportunities to get what I want in the future.

People who know me well call me a "fraidy cat" because I won't take chances.

I'm afraid of my strong feelings.

I can't wait to solve my problems, even though I know that it took a long time for the problems to develop.

I would say that I'm impulsive, and I do things without a lot of thinking because I want quick results.

People tell me that I'm impatient because I want what I want now.

I'm anxious because I feel that my problems are so bad that they should be changed immediately; I can't wait for my problems to be solved.

I feel dread about the future; something bad is going to happen if I'm not careful.

I frequently do things without thinking them through.

I feel pressure to make changes in my life.

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How to Skillfully Tackle Procrastinating Behaviors

Procrastination is not laziness. It's a skills problem.

Learn actionable and research-based skills to deal effectively with the cycle of procrastination.

-How to avoid becoming a goal junkie, setting unrealistic goals.

-How to develop a new mindset to get things done!

-How to manage those overwhelming emotions that push you to postpone and delay activities.

-How to deal effectively with those tricky thoughts that make it hard for you to get things done.

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