Quick tips
Removing Privileges as a Parent to a Child with OCD
As a parent to a teen with OCD, are you often asking yourself, "What can I be doing to get my teen to stop doing these compulsions?" Removing privileges is NOT helpful to your teenager's ability to manage their OCD, mental health, or treatment progress. Learn why...
Separation Anxiety Disorder & Social Anxiety
Georgia is a 10 year old only child who lives with her parents. Georgia worries about the wellbeing of her parents “everyday, all the time.” She worries that they may be in a car crash, have a heart attack, or experience an attack of violence. She wants to be close to...
The Compassionate Self Identity at work by Dr. Yotam Heineberg
A portion of the human experience that many of us enjoy and delight in has to do with experiences of joy, awe, and celebration. Another portion which many of us grapple with has to do with the realities of pain, challenge and suffering. We find ourselves afraid to...
Social Anxiety & OCD
Stephanie is a 16 year old girl struggling with both Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Social Anxiety. In regard to social anxiety, Stephanie worries that people will judge her for the way that she eats, so she skips eating lunch at school or orders simple...
Body Image Concerns
Body image concerns refers to how an individual sees their own body and how attractive they feel themselves to be. Many people have concerns about their body image, these concerns often focus on weight, skin, hair, or the shape or size of a certain body part. However,...
There are two different kinds of phobias, specific phobia and social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder). A specific phobia is an intense fear of something identifiable, like an object, animal, situation, or place. This fear is much different and more...
Emotion Regulation
Emotion regulation problems are characterized by an individual’s experiencing emotions “too much, too quickly, with a slow return to an emotional baseline level, and based only on short-term consequences”. For instance, I sometimes hear about situations that may...
Body Image Concerns
Body image concerns refers to how an individual sees their own body and how attractive they feel themselves to be. Many people have concerns about their body image, these concerns often focus on weight, skin, hair, or the shape or size of a certain body part. However,...
Problematic Eating Behaviors
Disordered eating is used to describe a range of irregular eating behaviors such as frequent dieting, anxiety associated with specific foods or meal skipping, chronic weight fluctuations, rigid rituals and routines surrounding food and exercise, feelings of guilt and...
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression also known as SAD, typically occurring in the fall and winter months, and resolving in the spring and summer. A person struggling with SAD may experience loss of motivation, mood shifts, fatigue, increased sleep,...
Perfectionism’s main core processes include: intense fear of making mistakes, fears of being a failure, strong attachment to high-standards, rules for both ourselves and those around us. With perfectionism the person’s sense of self is based on accomplishments. A...
Procrastination refers to intentionally, volitionally delaying or putting off tasks, activities, projects despite their importance and negative consequences in your day-to-day life. These tasks could be related to work, school performance, daily living (laundry,...
Acute Stress Disorder
Acute Stress Disorder occurs in the first month following a traumatic event, with symptoms lasting between 3 days and a month.A person struggling with acute stress may experience flashbacks or nightmares, avoid reminders of the event, feel numb or detached from their...
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by a negative interpretation or appraisal of uncomfortable physical sensations such as heart beating fast, hyperventilation, hot flushes, shaky legs, to name a few of them.” People often feel as if they are...
Chronic Worry
Everyone experiences normal, temporary periods of anxiety in life, such as worrying about a problem at work or worrying about a loved one when he or she is sick. Worrying by nature is thinking about possibilities in the future,over and over, focusing on "what might...
Dr. Z and Seth Gillihan
"You must be vulnerable to be sensitive to reality. And to me being vulnerable is just another way of saying that one has nothing more to lose. I don’t have anything but darkness to lose. I’m way beyond that." - Bob Dylan. We often play-it-safe by hiding, avoiding,...
Dr. Z and Chris Martin
As Chris Martin would say, the curiosity didn't kill the cat. In fact, she's alive and well." Today, I'm sharing with you an interview with Chris Martin, a content producer and creativity coach who helps people unleash their creative fire by transforming imaginative...
Dr. Z on shifting from disengagement to engagement!
As a species, we are hardwired to avoid, control, and escape whatever makes us uncomfortable. That’s natural and expected. To avoid is to be human. But what happens when we avoid things that we care about because they make us uncomfortable or sad? What happens when we...
Dr. Z and Debbie Sorensen
How often do you play-it-safe by minimizing what's important to you and avoiding conversations? In this conversation, I interview Debbie Sorensen, a clinical psychologist, co-author of the book ACT daily Journal, and co-host of the psychology podcast Psychologists Off...
Dr. Z on Choices
Imagine what would happen if you made choices to give just 10% more of yourself to your career? Imagine if you make choices to give just 15% more of yourself to your relationships? Imagine how your life would change if you make choices to give 20% more to your health?...
Dr. Z and Paul Ollinger
One way in which we play-it-safe is by “discounting what’s important to us or minimizing our needs.” Of course, in relationships sometimes we prioritize the relationships’ needs versus our individual needs. And yet, if this playing-it-safe move goes unchecked we may...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z and Jonny Say (part 2)
I never have heard a person say "I'm concerned about how kind, caring and compassionate I'm with myself." Most of us, may go into a judgemental mode when making a mistake, saying the wrong thing, or looking back at actions we took in the past. Sometimes, we may even...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Fear of Failure
The fear of being a failure is more common than what we know, and it drives many struggles: perfectionism, procrastination, low moods, and many more. But are you aware of how it shows up and you handle it? In this episode, I invite you to answer 3 questions that will...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z and Aaron Harvey
Do you ever wonder how a person makes ideas happen? How a person creates a concept and puts it into action in a campaign, art, or book? How do ideas scale to the point that they're so popular and well established? Do you ever wonder how a creative mind chooses an idea...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Negative Predictions
When I ask people how often they get lost in their thoughts, most of them say "a lot." There wasn't a single I've talked to who said "never." Perhaps, that's not a surprise. Our minds are a powerful content-generating machine that is constantly generating all types of...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z and Jonny Say (part 1)
"Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Ruling Thoughts
A lot of our struggles come from holding onto thoughts as rules - ruling thoughts - and going along with them without checking how they work in our day-to-day life. In this episode, I discuss 3 specific ruling thoughts that could be keeping you stuck. Listen to the...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Uncertainty
Imagine for a moment that all knowledge is represented in the shape of a pie that adds up to 100%; there is maybe 5% of things we know, another 15% of what we don’t know, and 80% of things we don’t know we don’t know. The reality is that as much as we want, wish, and...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z and Sarah Peck, M.A.
In this conversation, Sarah Peck shares how she gives herself permission to be a good enough parent and how this philosophy has led her to have a fulfilling role as a mom. She also shares how she handles worry thoughts about not being a good mother for her children...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Values
Values" is a word that gets thrown around a great deal these days, and it means different things to different people. In this episode, Dr. Z describes what values are within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and what they're not. Listen to the episode on your...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Rae Senarighi
From the outside, our lives may look great, fun, and perfect! But sometimes, our lives get messy, complicated, and hard to handle because unexpected things happen. On top of that, some contextual situations make things extra hard for us: struggles with mental health,...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z and Tips to Develop a New Relationship with Your Mind
Do you struggle with overthinking problems? Do you think and think to the point of feeling anxious, hopeless, or stressed out? Have you ever tried to “think your way out” of one of these thought spirals? In this episode, Dr. Z discusses why it is important to develop...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Mindfulness Part 4
In this episode, I share with you some tips on how to practice mindfulness-on-the-go when things go wrong, south, and terribly bad. Each week I create resources to get unstuck from worries, fears, anxieties, and obsessions so you can stop playing-it-safe and start...
PIS Episode: Dr Z. and Jill Stoddard
In this conversation, you will hear how Dr. Jill Stoddard, a TEDx speaker, author, ACT clinician, and mother of two children practices self-compassion and faces her fears of not being an expert on a given topic. Listen to the episode on your favorite player: 👉🏻 Apple...
PIS Episode: DR. Z and Michael Heady, LCPC
Few times we have the opportunity to see how therapists walk the walk, put into action what they know about managing fears, anxieties, and worries, and what it means to make a shift from struggling to thriving. In this personal, relatable, and real conversation, I...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Mindfulness Part 3
Mindfulness practices go hand-in-hand with compassion practices. There are so many ways to put them into action in our lives. In this episode, I share a brief tip that you can practice anytime and anywhere to show kindness to yourself and discuss what connects...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Steve Hayes, Ph.D. (Part 2)
This second part of my conversation with Steve Hayes, PhD., co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), is about the role of humility in science, in our lives, and in our belief systems.
New PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Mindfulness (Part 2)
In this episode Dr. Z shares how to practice mindfulness on-the-go when dealing with overwhelming fear-based emotions, why practicing mindfulness-on-the-go in your day-to-day life is important, and tips to catch some of the most common responses when dealing with uncomfortable experiences.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Steve Hayes
This is Part 1 of a very personal conversation with Steve, and it gives us a peek into the life behind the scenes of a person that published over hundreds of academic papers and academic books, trained hundreds of clinicians, presented at countless of international conferences and developed a model of psychological science that has exploded in the last 30 years.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Mindfulness (Part 1)
In this episode. Dr. Z discusses common myths about mindfulness, how to practice it, and how you can put it into action in your day-to-day life.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Perfectionism (Part 5)
New Episode In this episode, Dr. Z. speaks briefly about the intersection of procrastination and perfectionism. How, although they may seem to be different and isolated problems, they are in fact not. Listen to the episode on your favorite player: 👉🏻 Apple podcasts:...
In this episode, I chat with Dr. Cheryl Robinson who is also known as the Queen of Pivoting. We chatted about how people make pivots in their careers and in their mindsets.In her research, Cheryl has identified 3 processes that help people to make a pivot; she shared...
Is it wrong to pay attention to details? How does it really work? In this episode I discuss how selective attention leads us to perfectionistic behaviors and invite you to check the impact of those actions when doing things that you deeply care about. Listen to the...
Workbook for Teens with OCD
This workbook, based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) presents concepts like Choice Point, real-life examples and tons of fun activities to help you manage and work through OCD.
Animated Cartoons to Teach Kids About OCD (Part 2)
Billie has new tools to help with obsessive compulsive disorder, but how does she explain it to her friends at school? And will the Worry Monster make an appearance at school? Watch this upcoming episode to find out.
Animated Cartoons to Teach Kids About OCD (part 1)
Billie tries to enter the bathroom one day, but someone or maybe something is preventing her from entering. There is something lurking in the bathroom. What could it be?
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Perfectionism (Part 4)
Is it wrong to pay attention to details? How does it really work? In this episode I discuss how selective attention leads us to perfectionistic behaviors and invite you to check the impact of those actions when doing things that you deeply care about.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Paul Jarvis
In this episode I chat with Paul Jarvis, author of Company of One, and a proponent that “less is more” when running your business. In this conversation, you will hear how Paul handles his fears of making mistakes, impostor syndrome, how he went from writing a cooking book to writing Company of One, how he approaches larger projects, and whom he would like to have a cup of coffee with.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Russ Harris
In this episode Dr. Z. chats with Russ Harris, M.D., author of The Happiness Trap, The Reality Slap and many other self-help books. Russ shares how he applies skills from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – grounding, defusion, acceptance – to his writing process.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Jason Adam Katzenstein
Jason Adam Katzenstein, author of Everything is an Emergency & a cartoonist for the New Yorker magazine, shares his creative process when drawing, his successes dealing with obsessions, and handling all types of fears as a cartoonist.
Do you have an emotional switch or an emotional dial?
Super-feelers will discover that they are more than their emotions and that no matter how intense the situation. If you want to stop feeling like you’re at the mercy of your emotions, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster is the guide for you.
Are you parenting a super-feeler?
In the book, you’ll find the tools you need to parent your troubled teen, pay attention to your own reactions, and put an end to the cycle of conflict that has taken over your home. In this book, you’ll learn to observe the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that drive your own parenting behaviors, and how these behaviors can impact your teen.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Exposure for Adults Dealing with OCD
Adults suffer from OCD too. With this workbook, you will get real guidance, real skills, real how-tos, and real takeaways to keep and share with others about overcoming OCD episodes and getting your life back on track.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z with Clarissa Ong
In this episode, I chat with Clarisa Ong, a predoctoral intern at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We discussed the difference between values and pliance, how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approaches perfectionistic behaviors, and how to pay attention to rules when wanting to do things right and perfect.
Parent Series: Social Anxiety
For parents who want to know how to help their kids' struggles with social anxiety, this page is a useful resource. Information about therapy, what not to do, and types of social anxiety is available to help you. Check out the link below....
Check Out Our Newsletter
Who doesn’t experience fear or play it safe? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest information, research, skills, and tips on dealing with fears, anxieties, worries, or obsessions. You don’t want to miss it. #ACTBeyondOCD...
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Perfectionism (Part 1)
Are you spending hours and hours getting things done to the point that you get trapped in your mind and don’t take action? If the answer is yes, this is a series you can listen to.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Perfectionism (Part 2)
Are you invested in doing things right and perfect? In this episode, I discuss what’s behind those perfectionistic behaviors and what you can do to handle them effectively.
PIS Episode: Dr. Z on Perfectionism (Part 3)
In this episode, I share five skills you can practice to handle the fear of making mistakes when it’s getting in your way of living a rich, purposeful, and meaningful life.
Parent Series: OCD
Want to understand OCD better? Curious about your child's obsessions and the best therapy for them? This page can help. It provides information regarding the different types of OCD, how to parent a child dealing with OCD, along with skills and tools to help work...
The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD
The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD is my tool for you to learn new skills to handle the stream of pesky obsessions that show up in your mind. This workbook, based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) presents concepts like...
Check Out Our Newsletter
Who doesn’t experience fear or play it safe? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest information, research, skills, and tips on dealing with fears, anxieties, worries, or obsessions. You don’t want to miss it. #ACTBeyondOCD...
Do you feel easily overwhelmed by your emotions?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions? Ever been told that you’re ‘too sensitive’ or ‘overreacting’? You are not alone – millions of people go through the same struggle. Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster will help readers understand and manage their...
Are you raising a super-feeler?
If you have a teen who experiences extreme emotions, either as a result of a mental health diagnosis such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), or simply because you have a highly emotional teen, you probably need help right now. Parenting a teen comes with its...
Living Beyond OCD Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Workbook for Adults
Adults suffer from OCD too. With this workbook, you will get real guidance, real skills, real how-tos, and real takeaways to keep and share with others about overcoming OCD episodes and getting your life back on track. This workbook is for anyone newly diagnosed with...
Do you have a super-feeler at home?
If you have a teen who experiences extreme emotions, either as a result of a mental health diagnosis such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), or simply because you have a highly emotional teen, you probably need help right now. Parenting a teen comes with...
EBBTC Intensive Outpatient Program – IOP
Our Intensive Outpatient Program, or IOP, is tailored exclusively to you to help with OCD and anxiety. To learn more about our unique Intensive Outpatient Program, why treatment for OCD is important, and what treatment looks like, check the link below....
ACT and the Choice Point for Teens dealing with OCD
The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD is my tool for you to learn new skills to handle the stream of pesky obsessions that show up in your mind. This workbook, based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) presents concepts like...
Playing-it Safe interview with Jason Adam Katzenstein
Jason just published his book "Everything is an emergency." He kindly shared with us his creative process,...
Treatment Outcomes
Curious about the results of our treatment? This page shows you exactly what treatment outcomes look like and why treatment for OCD and anxiety is so important. Here you can learn about Exposure Response Prevention and see the successful results of several former...
Types of OCD
There are many different types of OCD. Some may feel familiar and others, not so much. If you believe you or your child may be struggling with OCD, this page may provide some clarity about the various types, manifestations, and treatments for OCD. Check it out, link...
Parent Series: Mood Problems
PARENT SERIES: MOOD PROBLEMSwork withWhy our clients love working with ustestimonials"I was referred to Patricia Zurita Ona from my son's psychiatrist for cognitive behavioral therapy treatment of his obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety which rose to a level...
A Workbook for Adults Struggling with OCD
Adults suffer from OCD too. With this workbook, you will get real guidance, real skills, real how-tos, and real takeaways to keep and share with others about overcoming OCD episodes and getting your life back on track. This workbook is for anyone newly diagnosed with...
Feeling too much, too quick, and acting too soon?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions? Ever been told that you’re ‘too sensitive’ or ‘overreacting’? You are not alone – millions of people go through the same struggle. Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster will help readers understand and manage their...
Parent Series: Emotional Regulation
Frequent, constantly changing and strong emotions can be difficult to manage. If you are a parent and your teen is struggling with emotion regulation problems, this page provides very helpful information about parenting teens dealing with strong...
New resource: Workbook for Adults with OCD
Adults suffer from OCD too. With this workbook, you will get real guidance, real skills, real how-tos, and real takeaways to keep and share with others about overcoming OCD episodes and getting your life back on track. This workbook is for anyone newly diagnosed with...
Escaping the Emotional Roller Coaster
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions? Ever been told that you’re ‘too sensitive’ or ‘overreacting’? You are not alone – millions of people go through the same struggle. Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster will help readers understand and manage their...
Is your teen a super-feeler?
If you have a teen who experiences extreme emotions, either as a result of a mental health diagnosis such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), or simply because you have a highly emotional teen, you probably need help right now. Parenting a teen comes with its...
Superthinkers: Do you use procrastination as a short-term relief? (<1 min read)
It's natural to sometimes need a moment to collect yourself before approaching something overwhelming. When it happens repeatedly or chronically, that avoidance backfires, as anyone who has stayed up late to finish an assignment has experienced. How can you give...
An ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD
The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD is my tool for you to learn new skills to handle the stream of pesky obsessions that show up in your mind. This workbook, based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) presents concepts like...
Check Out Our Newsletter
Who doesn't experience fear or play it safe? Subscribe to my monthly newsletter to keep up to date with all the latest information, research, skills, and tips on dealing with fears, anxieties, worries, or obsessions. You don't want to miss it. #ACTBeyondOCD...
Conditions We Treat for Parents
Parents, are you worried that your child may be struggling with ODC or anxiety? This page has all the information you need about the conditions we treat at EBBTC, what is unique about our work, and our process. Check it out to learn more about how we can help. ...
Superthinkers: Does your anxiety feel like this? (1min read)
When faced with something that makes you feel anxious, the first response is to feed in to the anxiety (and maybe say AGHH!.) Does this end up working out for you? If not, what is something you can do instead? #superthinker
Superthinkers: Is your anxiety paralyzing you? (<1 min read)
How does your worry serve you? Is it keeping you under lock and key, chained to the bed? It's possible to have your worry thoughts, and to act in the ways that move your life closer to what you want it to look like. #ACT #worry #superthinker #defusion
Superthinkers: Is your worry protective and active? (<1 min read)
If only... When worrying, it can feel like you're being productive and foreseeing possible negative outcomes that you can then prevent. To some degree, that can be true. But chronic worrying and over-worrying means you are investing your energy in hypotheticals, lost...
Super Thinkers and Super Feelers: Check out the Question of the Month for February (<1min read)
Happy March! Check out all these fun ice cream flavors our clients love! What is your favorite ice cream flavor? #superthinker #superfeeler
Parent Series: What You Need to Know About Mood Fluctuations: Depression, Bipolar, Cyclothymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder
In this article, we take a few of the mood-related diagnoses apart and see what they’re actually about, and what it might look like in your child.
Superthinkers: Is your anxious thinking weighing you down? (1min read)
Sometimes it can feel like your anxious thinking weighs you down and you feel like you can't complete the things you need to do. How does this align with your values and what is an action you can take? #superthinker #values #ACT
Super-feelers: every moment is a new moment to start
In Dr. Z’s new book, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster, you’re introduced to 6 core skills and ways of beginning to change the ups and downs of your emotions. Each of them is explained and carefully walked through so that you can take it out of the box, handle it, try it out, and see what you think.
Superthinkers: Are you seeing anxiety everywhere? (1min read)
Sometimes it can feel like anxiety is everywhere, in these moments it may be helpful to take a break from the media. #superthinker #selfcare
Parent Series: Are Your Children Refusing to go to School?
When your child refuses to go to school, can be representative of a larger issue at play. It’s not always just your child being oppositional and argumentative, but could also be an expression of anxiety or depression.
Superthinkers:Feeling overwhelmed by life? (1 min read)
Life can be overwhelming, sometimes we just need to take break. #suprthinker #seflcare
When Trying to Help a Disruptive Child, Where do I Start?
In this article, we talk about where to start when dealing with a disruptive child.
Superthinkers: Is your anxiety keeping you from your values? (1 min read)
Just because it may feel like your anxiety can't live without you, doesn't mean you have to let it dictate your life. #superthinker
Superthinkers: Is worrying keeping you from your values?(1min read)
Worrying isn't productive especially when it gets in the way of the things you need to do... unless you have a friend to hit you over the head and knock the thoughts out of you. #superthinker
Superthinkers: How laughter can help you better understand yourself (1 min read)
Pure is a comedy drama fictional adaptation of Rose Cartwright's memoirs about experiencing obsessive compulsive disorder. The show follows 24-year old, Marnie, who in the beginning feels isolated for having very strange sexual thoughts. She then discovers that her...
Super thinkers and Super feelers: Check out the Question of the Month for September (<1min read)
Happy October! Check out all these funny words our clients know! What's the funniest word that you know?? #superthinker #superfeeler
Superthinkers: Check out this superhero (2 min read)
What superpowers do you share with "The Ultimate Worrier?" #superthinker
Superthinkers:Take a glimpse at what life is like with Pure O (2 min read)
Emily DiNuzzo reports accounts of individuals with OCD and Pure O. Samantha Jean describes “I remember one of my therapists said you might not always be afraid of germs but [OCD] will always be there and it’ll come back in different ways,” Jean says. “The obsessions...
Superthinkers and Superfeelers: August Question of the Month! (<1min read)
Check out all the responses to the question of the month! There are so many different things that bring us moments of joy! What is something that makes you laugh? #superthinker #superfeeler #values
Superthinkers: See how your OCD is tricking you (2 min read)
Veronica is a participant in Young Faces of Mental Illness, a collaboration with SANE and batyr supporting young adults to share their stories, here she shares 5 lies her OCD tells her. Your thoughts are dangerous: Your OCD may tell you that your thoughts are...
Superthinkers and superfeelers: Do you avoid your emotions? (1 min read)
This comic from the Awkward Yeti seems to capture so much about how superfeelers and superthinkers might interact with difficult feelings, and use technology and social media. Who can relate to going on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat as soon as something...
Superthinkers: Think you can think your way out of anxiety? (<1 min)
It feels productive to try and sort your anxious thoughts and think your way into making sense of them, but that's just your brain heaping on more anxiety. Better to open the field of vision, so the anxiety is not a roadblock, and continue to move in line with...
Superthinkers: Read about this recent graduates experience with OCD (2 min read)
Harrison Tunggal, recent graduate of UC Berkeley, reflects on his experience navigating OCD while working for the paper and throughout his undergrad. He also describes how the symptoms of OCD relate to graduation and his new phase of life. Read more here #superthinker...
July Question of the Month (1 min read)
So many fun things to do in the summer time! What is your favorite thing about summer?
Super-feelers: Are you going to this conference? Come see Dr. Z at the 26th Annual OCD Conference (1 min read)
Are you a super-feeler with super doubts? At this conference, Dr.Z will will show you the nuts and bolts of how to handle emotional noise that comes your way. You will learn to have an emotion before the emotion has you! More Info Here #superfeeler #ocd
Super-feelers: Are you coming to hear Dr.Z talk about treating teen OCD? (1 min read)
Come hear Dr.Z discuss treating teen OCD with ACT and ERP on a panel this weekend! The panel will cover how to best adapt treatment to each individual teen. More Info Here #superfeeler #teenocd #ocd
Superthinkers: Have you seen this? (<1 min read)
Worry and anxious thoughts can keep you at night with all the terrible possibilities of the world. Learning not to spiral into the anxiety, and practicing sleep hygiene can help! #anxiety #superthinker
Only One Week Left Until the Start of the Chatting Skills Group! (1min read)
The countdown continues! There is only one week left until the Chatting Skills Group begins! What is it again? This group is focused on teaching middle and high school students powerful interpersonal skills to move their relationships from casual ones into long...
Superthinkers: See how OCD manifests for these posters (1 min read)
People joke about OCD, and believe that they or others may have the diagnosis based on misconceptions spread in popular culture. However, in this case, the adage "a picture says a thousand words" can help bring things back to reality, and show the true effects of...
June Question of the Month: So many favorite numbers!
Count down to Chatting Skills Group: 2 weeks to go! (1min read)
Only two weeks left until the start of the Chatting Skills Group! What is it? This group is focused on teaching middle and high school students powerful interpersonal skills to move their relationships from casual ones into long lasting ones, deal effectively with...
Superthinkers: Have you heard of these 7 types of obsessions?
Beyond the well-known manifestations of OCD that can include hand-washing, counting, and checking, OCD can manifest in a myriad of ways. As the author of this VICE Tonic article, and person with OCD writes, At its core, for me and others, OCD is a disorder of doubt. A...
Only 3 weeks left until the start of the Chatting Skills Group! (1 min read)
Theres only 3 weeks until the Chatting Skills Group begins! What is it? This group is focused on teaching middle and high school students powerful interpersonal skills to move their relationships from casual ones into long lasting ones, deal effectively with the...
Superthinkers: Check our the July Social Flexibility Group
Why a social flexibility group? Socially anxious or shy/introverted teens by nature are not the kids/teens that are going to get in trouble, unless they get bullied, then their struggles are more visible. In fact, socially anxious kids have a solid academic...
Join the upcoming Chatting Skills group, starting July 8th! (1 min read)
Feeling disconnected from your peers? Is your teen struggling to maintain friendships and social support? This 10-week Chatting Skills group is targeted at helping middle- and high-schoolers strengthen their relationships, handle disagreements in a healthy manner, and...
Superthinkers: what it can mean when it’s related to the internet (1 min read)
In the rise of social media and the internet, it's also possible for this platform to the ground on which one's obsessions stake their claim. The internet can trigger fears and anxiety about how you are interacting with others online, or other aspects of your online...
6 broad categories of conditions we treat (1 min read)
The clinicians here at EBBTC bring their multitudes of expertise together to form a broad base of presentations that we accept. With each of them, clinicians use evidence-based techniques, tailored to you-- your history, your specific symptoms, and your goals. So what...
Superthinkers: Check out this comic! (1min read)
Anxiety can feel like a never-ending cycle, when you give the energy o fight your anxiety you end up amplifying it. Remember to take a step back and notice it, and ride the wave. Choose how you want to move forward, rather than the anxiety choosing. ...
May Question of the Month: Dark vs Milk showdown
We asked our clients to weigh in on whether dark or milk chocolate was better, and it looks like there's no clear winner. Guess we'll just have to keep trying to stock both in the candy bowl!
Superthinkers: See what the whole world thinks… (<1 min read)
Feel familiar? Getting trapped in a smaller and smaller square? Maybe it's time to see what happens when you step outside of it. If it is, take a look at our services that'll help you recapture your autonomy. Comic seen from Facebook account, Stuff That's Loud....
Parents: what to look for in treatment, and what we treat (2 min read)
There can be a lot of worry and anxiety in the process of finding help for your child. Knowing what to look for, if it will be effective, and what to expect are all common concerns and worth keeping in mind. No matter where you seek treatment, you'll want a level of...
Superthinkers: Read how perfectionism is rising in young adults ( 2 min read)
Research from Canada, the United States, and Britain shows that perfectionism is rising in young adults. Perfectionism is a personality trait or characteristic that is innate in many people. It is nurtured in some environments, notably in families where personal...
Trying to understand: Questionnaire for parents
There are things happening with your child that you don't understand, and that can be scary. You're not sure what's happening, and therefore, how to help. We have a brief questionnaire that you can complete that will do an initial screening for panic disorder,...
Superthinkers: 19 everyday things that trigger obsessive thoughts
Shayla Love detailed for Tonic some of the triggers for her obsessive thoughts: things from going over her schedule upon waking, to eating lunch, to texting or walking along the sidewalk. She says of OCD, I read somewhere once that if it makes you happy, it's not OCD....
April Question of the Month: Well-versed clients!
We asked our clients what songs they knew by heart, and our clients delivered! Look at all these great (and funny!) tunes our clients know. Thanks everyone for participating! #QoM
Understand the process of de-tangling from the struggle
ACT Auntie created this accessible, understandable visual explanation of what it means to step back from what you're struggling from, to disentangle yourself from the power of thoughts and feelings, and to move towards your values. We love that she included examples...
Last call! Superthinkers and superfeelers online training with Dr. Z
In the 6-week online course that starts NEXT WEEK, clinicians will learn how to develop structured, targeted ERP and ERT treatment models that are ACT consistent. We will focus specifically on how to apply ACT for the treatment of clients with mild to severe OCD,...
Read our client’s review of exposure treatment (1 min read)
Thank you to our clients were shared their opinions and experiences of exposure. This client wrote, I feel that exposure therapy has been very helpful in confronting my fears in that it taught me how to confront them in a less anxious way and not have a tendency to...
Starting soon: How do you treat superthinkers and superfeelers?
Do you work with clients who cannot let go of awful intrusive thoughts, images, sensations and feelings? Clients who struggle with OCD, anxiety, or emotion regulation problems, who feel too much, too quickly, and act too soon? Do you want to get better at delivering...
Learn to treat superthinkers and superfeelers: Train online with Dr. Z
Treating OCD and Anxiety with ACT, ERP, & ERT Online Course w/ Patrica Zurita Ona, PsyD Wednesdays starting May 1, 2019 12 hrs of CE credit available use code TREAT25 at checkout to save $25!* *only eligible for professional registration This course will give you...
Superthinkers: Rose Cartwright shares her thoughts on labeling OCD (2 min read)
Rose Cartwright, wrote this article for the Guardian on defining OCD. She is also the author of her memoir, Pure, and the show of the same name is based on her life and experience of pure OCD. In talking about defining OCD, she says, "What I didn’t want to do with...
Superfeelers: How many names for anger do you have?
As a superfeeler, emotions are intense, sudden, and seemingly uncontrollable. We've shared previously about learning to cope with intense feelings. Our approach was corroborated and highlighted in a recent NPR article on naming your anger. It's based on the concept of...
May: For Clinicians: Sign up now to train with Dr. Z on treating Super-thinkers and Super-feelers
We are thrilled for Dr. Z to begin teaching her 6-week training course on how to provide Exposure-Response Prevention (ERP) and Emotion Regulation Training (ERT) through an ACT lens. It starts next month, May 1st, from 10:30am to 12:30pm PDT, and meets weekly until...
Superthinkers: Attend an online conference to beat OCD
Join this online 4-hour free conference to learn what OCD is, what it isn't, and how to fight it! There are topics to introduce OCD, explore ways to start fighting OCD through exposure or medication, and talks for parents of people with OCD and family members. There...
March QoM: What language would you want to know?
There are so many languages everyone at EBBTC would love to learn!
Superthinkers: What does “recovery” mean?
You may remember that we had a guest post with Morgan and Molly, of Not Alone Notes. Morgan also runs the associated blog, My OCD Voice. She recently posted about what recovery looks like for her, saying that it doesn't mean that she never has intrusive thoughts or...
Superfeelers: 5 steps to managing overwhelming emotions (1 min read)
Dr. Z recently contributed a blog post for welldoing.org that introduced her work with superfeelers and the approach taken in Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster. Within this short article, she briefly explains how behaviors can often be a "bandaid" for an emotion...
Superthinkers: Join the upcoming ADAA 5th Annual Clinical Practice Symposium
It's not too late to join Dr. Z at the 2019 ADAA Clinical Practice Symposium that she is hosting! This discussion will be on March 28th, from 8am to 10am. Dr. Dougherty, a psychiatrist at McLean hospital, Dr. Neziroglu, the executive director at The Bio Behavioral...
Exposure treatment: in clients’ words. (2 min read)
We welcome clients' experiences and feedback regarding exposure treatment. This client wrote, I didn't know about exposure therapy for years, despite being in treatment since age 15. Regular therapy never proved effective; it wasn't until I was 23, struggling with...
Superfeelers & Superthinkers: Hear Dr. Z explain her approach in a podcast (60 min interview)
Dr. Z recently was on the Dr. Pat show, which brings in leaders in the field of human potential, to talk about Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster. Dr. Pat is highly accomplished and the creator of "Epic World." We were thrilled to be on her show. Learn more about...
February QoM: What are the “yes” activity for our clients? (<1 min read)
We asked our clients what they'd almost always be happy to do. Pets were a popular theme! We love hearing what our clients like to do and what helps everyone re-calibrate and take care of themselves. #QoM #selfcare
Superthinkers: Listen to a mom discuss being a parent with OCD
The Cool Moms Club podcast did an episode a few months ago featuring Trina, who has severe OCD. This 45-minute episode examines the difficulties Trina faces, while also maintaining an upbeat attitude and being a role model for her son. It's available for free through...
Clinicians: upcoming training on working with super-thinkers and super-feelers by Dr. Z
Dr. Z is presenting an online training course on integrating ACT with Emotion Regulation Training (ERT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) for clients who struggle as a superfeeler, and anxiety, respectively. Treating OCD and Anxiety with ACT, ERP, & ERT...
ADAA: 5th Annual Clinical Practice Symposium
There is just a month left to join Dr. Z at the 2019 ADAA Clinical Practice Symposium that she is hosting! On Friday, March 28th, from 8am to 10am, a panel of experts-- Dr. Dougherty, a psychiatrist at McLean hospital, Dr. Neziroglu, the executive director at The Bio...
Clinicians for superthinkers: Integrate ACT into your OCD exposure work! (2 min read)
Dr. Z will be teaching clinicians how to lead ACT-consistent exposure sessions for clients with OCD at he 2019 Anxiety and Depression Conference is on next month, March 28-31 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois. If you are in town or at the conference,...
Training opportunity: Learn how to work with super-feelers with Dr.Z (2 min read)
The 2019 Anxiety and Depression Conference is on next month, March 28-31 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Z will be presenting a clinical case example alongside the other members of the panel to demonstrate her clinical thinking regarding...
Mark your calendars for Dr Z’s superthinker presentation in Chicago! (2 min read)
The 2019 Anxiety and Depression Conference is on next month, March 28-31 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Z will be presenting this informative workshop at the conference! If you are in town or at the conference, be sure to check itout! Same or...
Read a client review of exposure (1 min read)
Don't believe the value we place in exposure work? Read it from our clients who have done it! This client wrote, Exposure therapy is SUPER helpful. It helps you face your fears and it really does help. You might feel a little uncomfortable a couple of times, but just...
What color is your emotional wave? (2 min quiz)
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See one of the latest reviews for Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster (1 min read)
We are always so excited to see people's reactions to Dr. Z's books. We recently saw this one on the Amazon page for the book, that has us feeling quite proud and grateful: Dr. Z is not only a great therapist who helped my son immensely, but she is so knowledgeable...
Superthinkers: Parents can’t ‘cure’ OCD
In another great contribution to the world of parents with kids who struggle with OCD, Chris Baier, one of the creators of Unstuck: an OCD Kids movie wrote this article for the Mighty a few years back that remains just as relevant today as then. He talks about his...
Superthinkers: Watch Rose Cartwright speak about her Pure OCD (5 min clip)
We are so excited to talk about Rose Cartwright. If you haven't heard of her, she's the author of her memoir, Pure, which was adapted for TV, and she is the creative director and co-founder of Made of Millions, on the board of directors for Intrusive Thoughts, and all...
Super-feeler series: Being a Super-Feeler is not the same as being a Highly Sensitive Person! (5 min read)
I hope it's okay to chime in about the recent book I published "Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster: ACT for the Emotionally Sensitive” since there have been really interested comments about similarities and differences with the terms “highly sensitive person.” To...
January Question of the Month: Figuring out the riddle!
Our clients had a difficult Question of the Month in January! They had to solve the riddle: "Often held by never touched; always wet but never rusts; Often bites but seldom bit; to use me well you must have wit. What am I?" The answer? A tongue!...
Clinicians: Train with Dr. Z online!
We're so excited to announce the Dr. Z will be doing a 6 week online course for all the clinicians who are yearning for training in how to treat OCD through ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), ERP (Exposure-Response Prevention) and ERT (Emotion Regulation...
ADAA: The Nuts and Bolts of Working with BDD, Rumination, and Suicidal Ideation
As the chair of the Clinical Practice Symposium Subcommittee, Dr. Z is hosting the 2019 ADAA Clinical Symposium, which is happening in just a couple months! The ADAA conference will be in Chicago, from March 28-31. The clinical practice symposium will be on the Friday...
Superfeelers: Learn how to cope with intense feelings
Dr. Z recently wrote an article for MediBank on how people can begin to cope with their intense feelings. She presents the following scenario: Suppose you and I are having a conversation, and you are given two choices: Option A: You never have to have these awful...
Curious what exposure therapy would look like? See the stages to exposure
New clients often are concerned about getting started in treatment, thinking that the second they enter therapy, they'll be asked to do exposures that they don't feel ready for. This graphic outlines our general guidelines to anxiety/OCD exposure treatment. We always...
What do our clients think about exposure work? Read a review! (1 min read)
Thank you to our hardworking clients who left reviews and feedback on their exposure work! This client wrote, Exposure is a great way to help with compulsions and obsessions. They help you get out of your comfort zone and become comfortable with your fears. We're...
Enter to win a copy of Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster!
Dr. Z's newest book, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster, was released six months ago! We are so happy to see the impact it has made with its readers, and hope that others who find that they are emotionally sensitive will also be able to benefit from the stories,...
Guest post: Kat from Shalom Aleichem on her OCD experiences and vlog (5 min read)
We are so excited to have Kat with us to answer some questions today. She's an inspiring young vlogger who shares her experiences of OCD and mental health issues on YouTube. Her videos go back 4 years, and she has videos on OCD, ERP, coping, anxiety, hospitalization,...
January quiz: “Have you tried…?” coping skills (3 min)
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See what motivates our inspiring young clients through exposures! (1 min read)
Even when you know the value of doing exposure work, it can be hard work. Luckily, our clients can be very creative, and come up with their own ways for rewarding themselves for that work! This particular client created these motivational cards with fun activities to...
Read what our client had to say about exposure
We sincerely appreciate reading our clients' opinions of exposure work! This client said, Most of the exposures I've done are working pretty well! I've gotten rid of lots of my habits, but I wish there were more than two different exposure types, because on one of my...
Read a 3rd party review of Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster (1 min read)
We are so grateful whenever people read our books and share their thoughts on the material. A big thank you to Blue Wolf Reviews, who wrote, This guide offers a way forward, with a little bit of help from your friends, family and therapist, to a better and healthier...
December quiz: test your OCD proficiency (5 min)
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Are you a super-feeler working at a start-up? (5 min read)
Bob: I need you to add more information to this report and focus on the new service we’re offering to clients instead of describing the history of it. Rob: mmm…what do you mean by that? I did everything you asked me to do, and it’s still not good enough. I feel that...
“What if?” Read about this college senior’s approach to OCD (1 min read)
Robin Roblee-Strauss is a student filmmaker, who has been struggling through OCD for several years. For his senior project, he will be compiling interviews with people who also have OCD, and experts in the field, particularly around the theme of intolerance of...
Look back on OCD Awareness week (1 min read)
October 7-13 was OCD Awareness week, and they used the hashtag #RealOCD to bring together people from the OCD community in building public awareness and community. We are so happy to see so many people sharing videos and posts for the week, and to see familiar...
Starting February 13th: 6-week training with Dr. Z (1 min read)
We're looking forward to the start of the ACT training Dr. Z will be teaching in a little over the month! This 6-week course runs from February 13th until March 20th, every Wednesday from 10:30am-12:30pm PDT (1:30-3:30 EDT). The first half of the course will focus on...
Shoutout to ADAA (<1 min read)
We value community resources for patients, practitioners, and parents, which is why we have been members of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America for several years. We are so honored to see that they have recognized our work and endorse it to their wide...
November mini-quiz! Do you turtle up or express out your feelings? (5 min)
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Pumpkin spice opinions: Our clients had their say for October QoM!
Some mixed feelings about pumpkin spice, though generally favorable! Thanks to our clients for all their input!
OCD series: Read The Guardian’s post about OCD’s “what if”s (2 min read)
The Guardian's Narratively series posts stories from ordinary people on their experiences. In this one, the experience of contamination OCD is laid bare. An excerpt from the article: Most people still think having OCD means you’re a neat freak or like your shoes...
Super-feelers in business? (2 min read)
Mental health is rarely spoken about in the workplace. Even in places where management may understand the impact of psychological well-being, when mental health is brought up, it's usually in a negative judgment. However, we know that people are worried, stressed, and...
Hear Dr. Z’s upcoming training (in Poland!)
Dr. Z is doing a two-day, 4-hour webinar on using flexible exposures for OCD and anxiety-related disorders. It'll be on October 20th and 21st, from 6pm to 8pm on Zoom. While a basic understanding of ACT is assumed of participants, Dr. Z will break down how to approach...
Learn how Adam Grant uses exposure for criticism (2 min video)
We have a great appreciation for the power of evidence-based interventions, like exposure. In the video, Adam Grant, a Wharton professor of organizational psychology and author of Give and Take, Option B, and Originals, shares how to prevent criticism from shutting...
OCD: Watch Kids Speak Out, with Chris Baier
We're excited to share with you Chris Baier's YouTube project, Kids Speak Out. Chris Baier is one of the creators of a movie we've featured before, Unstuck: An OCD Kids movie, and we've also interviewed him here previously. So, clearly, we're big fans of his work....
Clinicians: Learn with Dr. Z: Creating Flexible Exposure in Treating OCD and Other Anxiety Disorders
On October 31st, Dr. Z will be presenting a 2-hour workshop at the Mind Therapy Clinic. Please read part of the description below for an overview of what the training will cover: This workshop will focus on teaching participants how to conduct a contextual...
Learn how Adam Grant deals with criticism (2 min video)
Adam Grant is a psychologist we like to follow-- he's an organizational psychologist, tenured professor at Wharton, and the author of Give and Take and Plan B. In this video, he explains a few ways to deal with difficult criticism that you may be dreading, or that may...
Our work on Super-feelers made it to the Telegraph in U.K.
Dr. Z was recently interviewed for The Telegraph, a UK-based magazine. She shared with them what it means to be a super-feeler, and what to do about it. Read on for an excerpt from the resulting article: ‘If you feel guilty, you’re pulverised by guilt; if you feel...
OCD guest post: Hear from Morgan and Molly of Not Alone Notes (4 min read)
We are absolutely thrilled to have Morgan and Molly with us for this post. They are two incredible women who have teamed up to help tackle the isolation that is so commonly felt by people with OCD. They create, write, and send notes for people who request one through...
Read a review of Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster (<1 min read)
We love it when people discover our books, and it's so gratifying when they like it! We want to thank Leann of shelf_aware_ on Instagram for reading Dr. Z's new book and finding it helpful! We're glad Dr. Z's warmth and wit came through to her and that she found the...
September quiz: OCD fun facts
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Superfeelers: a 3-minute video with Noticing and Naming Skills (part 1)
Dr. Z...
For clinicians: Upcoming 6-week training with Dr. Z
We are very excited to share that Dr. Z will be teaching a 6-week, 12-hour online course on integrating ACT with Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) and Emotion Regulation Training (ERT). This course will start on October 17th, and take place every Wednesday from 1:30...
Clinicians: What to do when parents come to therapy and ask you to “fix” their teen (2 min read)
Dr. Z recently posted a blog on the New Harbinger Publications blog with a tip for therapists helping frazzled parents with emotionally dysregulated teens. She outlines and begins to explain some initial steps to working with these parents from an ACT frame: Create...
Super-Feelers: awareness skills
Check out Dr. Z's newest book, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster, out as of August 4th on Amazon.com!
Super-Feelers: body awareness
Like this blurb? Check out Dr. Z's newest book, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster, which just came out August 4th on Amazon.com!
“Behavior Therapy May Ease Some Repetitive Quirks” Washington Post article
The Washington Post published an article beginning to cover body focused repetitive behavior, specifically hair pulling (trichotillomania) and skin picking (dermatillomania). Article writer Marlene Cimons highlighted the higher prevalence in girls after the age of 12,...
Featuring: IOP program
We're calling out our IOP program today, to highlight some of the amazing changes that clients in the program have seen. To start, let's clarify: IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient Program, and for us, that means committing to having sessions at least 3 times a week,...
Parenting a Troubled Teen review
We have been thrilled with the reception to Dr. Z's book, Parenting a Troubled Teen. Recently, we came across this review by parent and clinician, Thomas: As a therapist and parent of a teen who has seen Dr. Ona for social anxiety, I highly recommend her and this...
Super-Feelers: body budget tips
6 days until August 4th, when Dr. Z's newest book, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster, comes out on Amazon.com!
Anxiety Tech Conference 2018
The Anxiety Tech Conference is going to be on July 18th of this year, in San Francisco! As practitioners who value the role of technology in our work, this conference is a must-attend. The conference leaders write: "By coming to Anxiety Tech, you will learn how to...
Shoutout to Life in Balance!
We are always so thrilled when other clinicians find our books helpful for their clients and recommend them. A big thank you to Life in Balance Therapy, from Toronto, for listing Parenting a Troubled Teen as a resource! ...
Super-Feelers: emotion awareness
Keep an eye out for Dr. Z's newest book, Escaping the Emotional Rollercoaster, coming out August 4th, 2018 on Amazon.com!
Guest Post: Dr. Murrell and The Joy of Parenting
I traded 12 children for a more vital life: Lessons on valuing flexibly By: Amy R. Murrell, Ph.D. Some preschool age children have an imaginary friend, but - when I was three - I had a husband and twelve children. My beloved spouse was named Brown Brown; and, to this...
Quicksand of Agoraphobia: Part IV
Quicksand of Agoraphobia, by Diane Mengali We had a wonderful talk with Diane Mengali, author of The Quicksand of Agoraphobia, a few months ago. She was very warm and open in sharing her experience, for which we are very grateful. We have revised the interview into...
Science versus myth: OCD related to childhood memories?
Here is a story: a client struggling with OCD, for over 10-years, was being told in therapy that his OCD was related to childhood memories. Here is the outcome: he never got the treatment he deserved until he learned about Exposure Response Prevention (ERP). Here is...
DBT is not for Me! What else can I do?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a well-established treatment for people who suffer from emotion dysregulations and impulsive behaviors. This includes people with self-harming and suicidal behaviors, substance abuse, and chronic interpersonal difficulties. And...
Technology Use for Children and Teens
Nearly all parents at some point will have a conversation with their children about technology use. This may be in the context of video games, social media, screen use time, responsible Internet use, or any other category. Parents often struggle to figure out how to...
Body Image Assessments
Is it hard to look at your body? Are you experiencing concern regarding your eating, or your mood? We have a variety of self-assessments that can help determine whether what you're experiencing might be better addressed with a clinician. Find them...
Quicksand of Agoraphobia: Part III
Quicksand of Agroaphobia, by Diane Mengali We had a wonderful talk with Diane Mengali, author of The Quicksand of Agoraphobia. She was very warm and open in sharing her experience, for which we are very grateful. We have revised the interview into four parts, to be...
Guest Post: Mindful Powers
Today we're glad to hear from Mindful Powers, a mindfulness app for kids that helps foster greater awareness. Read on for their introduction of this neat app! Mindful Powers™ is a kid-first, holistic approach to building social-emotional learning through the power of...
Feedback for us from Anxiety and Depression Conference 2018
Dr. Z presented a talk called "From Super-Feelers to Super-Choosers: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Clients struggling with Emotion Regulation" at the Anxiety and Depression Conference at the beginning of April in Washington, DC. We got the feedback from...
Guest Post: The International OCD Foundation as a Resource for the Community
We are so grateful to share information from the IOCDF, a wonderful resource for people suffering from OCD and their loved ones, and the host of the annual OCD conference, happening this year in July in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1986 by a small group of individuals...
Architect of Your Emotional Experience: Dr. Barrett TED talk
It may feel to you like your emotions are hard-wired and triggered and just happen to you, but they don't... Emotions are guesses in the moment -Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett This TED talk by Dr. Barrett refutes so much that we think we know about emotions and how we...
Emotion Regulation Assessment
Is something about your moods really throwing you off lately? Maybe what you're feeling seems too big to handle. Try taking our self-quiz for emotion dysregulation on our assessments page: http://eastbaybehaviortherapycenter.com/what-we-treat-adults/
Updates from IOCDF Newsletter
We are happy to share some of our update from the OCD quarterly newsletter sent from the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). In the beginning of the year, we were lucky enough to contribute towards clinicians' learning and development through a 2-day workshop on...
Quicksand of Agoraphobia: Part II
Quicksand of Agroaphobia, by Diane Mengali We had a wonderful talk with Diane Mengali, author of The Quicksand of Agoraphobia. She was very warm and open in sharing her experience, for which we are very grateful. We have revised the interview into four parts, to be...
OCD series: Tourette’s and OCD
How can you tell if your child's behaviors are anxiety-based, or involuntary? Touching, tapping, blinking, coughing, humming; all types of behaviors that can be performed involuntarily, compulsively, repetitively, and in ritualized ways. So, if you or your child are...
Guest Post: Finding Help for the “Kids Who Can’t”
Today we are pleased to have a guest post from the Mountain Valley Treatment Center! Read on to see what how they support the family system: In the October 11th edition of the New York Times Magazine, where the epidemic of severe anxiety disorders and how...
Stress and worry assessments
Feeling off lately? Too much worry, stress, anxiety, or low mood to handle? We have an array of self-quizzes you can take to see if something more than being "tired" is going on. They include assessments for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, body image disorders,...
Upcoming Talk: Emotion Regulation Treatment in Action
Dr. Z will be chairing a symposium on Friday, April 6, from 1-3pm. She will be with a panel of experts speaking about how to work with tricky moments in therapy when working with emotion regulation issues. The speakers will help clinicians apply different...
Upcoming Presentation: ACT Group Treatment for Parents
Dr. Z will be presenting a workshop for clinicians on running an 8-week group based in ACT for parents of teen struggling with emotion dysregulation. The workshop will include lecture, role-play, and experiential exercises to help clinicians learn the reasons...
Upcoming Presentation: From Super-Feelers to Super-Choosers
Dr. Zurita Ona is presenting at the upcoming Anxiety and Depression Conference! The topic is "From Super-Feelers to Super-Choosers: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Clients with Mild to Severe Emotion Dysregulation." It will be from 8-10am, on Saturday,...
Quicksand of Agoraphobia: Part I
Quicksand of Agroaphobia, by Diane Mengali We had a wonderful talk with Diane Mengali, author of The Quicksand of Agoraphobia. She was very warm and open in sharing her experience, for which we are very grateful. We have revised the interview into four parts, to be...
Super-feeler series: emotion awareness skills (4-min video)
OCD series: I need to confess
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can take on many forms, and today we’ll be talking about the need to confess. The typical characteristics of OCD are: 1. Obsessions – these are intrusive, unwanted thoughts, images, urges, and sensations that people experience as...
Super-feelers: a 6-min video: how did I become a super-feeler?
OCD series: dutifully doubter: why do I need to know?
Uncertainty can come in many forms • Did I turn the stove off? • Is my door locked? • Do I really love my partner? • Does my partner really love me? • What if there is an accident? • Will my loved one die? • Did I hurt someone? • Is this the right job? • Will I get...
OCD series: I want to do it right and perfectly
If you have been reading our blogs, you are likely familiar with the term OCD, which stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This is the clinical name for a pairing of obsessions or intrusive thoughts, feelings, and images that are managed by compulsive behaviors....
Parenting a Super-Feeler
Please join us on January 30th for an online training Dr. Zurita Ona will be leading on parenting teens who get swept up by their strong emotions. It is hosted by Praxis, where registration is available. This talk is 10am to 12pm PST, and will offer concise,...
For clinicians: Upcoming ACT Parenting Webinar on Jan 30
Praxis is hosting Dr. Z for a 2-hour webinar as part of their ACT Webinar series on January 30th. She will be presenting from 1-3pm EST (that's 10am to 12pm PST) on Parent Training for Troubled Teens. Registration is through Praxis, and costs $59 and is worth 2 CE...
OCD series: I’m touching the corners of the books a lot, do I have OCD?
For a while, you've had a small habit of touching the corners of tables, desks, and other things. Over the past couple of months you have been dealing with a lot of stress in your life and your urge to touch corners has become something that you have trouble...
Alternatives to compulsive skin picking
Fidget toys can be immensely helpful for those struggling with dermatillomania, or compulsive skin picking. These can introduce an alternative to picking skin, while remaining tactile. The toys range from a different textured item, like slime, to something subtle,...
For parents: upcoming talk about dealing with teens with anxiety
Did your kid come up with an instruction manual so you know how to respond to every situation that shows up when parenting? Quite likely not. Parenting is hard, and it's harder if your teen is struggling with anxiety because most of the time, you don't know what's...
Life with OCD
You love your significant other and your pets so much that your feel your life would be over if you lost them. Imagine trying to prevent this with every waking moment of your life. Your life wasn’t always like this. One day you had the thought: “What if my house burns...
For clinicians: Two day workshop on treating ACT-based OCD treatment
Join us on January 20th and 21st for wonderful presentations from Dr. Twohig and Dr. Pollard! We are very fortunate to have both of these talented clinicians join us for this event. Learn about treating OCD from an ACT perspective, and how to address difficult,...
Parent series: Why is my kid so obsessed with their smell?
Is your teen is overly concerned about is body odor ? Does he asks you often to check whether his body is smelling or not? Does he asks you to not forget to buy cologne otherwise he wouldn't be able to go out? Does he asks you to open the window so nobody can smell...
Parent series: My teen wants to do everything correct & right. Watch out for OCD!
Teens work as hard as they can in school. Getting into college is hard and getting straight A’s is unfortunately almost expected for applicants. This immense pressure that your teen is under can make him extremely focused on doing everything perfectly, paying...
Turtles All the Way Down reading
We are so excited to see John Green's newest book, Turtles All the Way Down! Drawn from Green's personal OCD experience, he is able to build a wonderful main character who suffers from OCD. Curious about the book but not sure whether you'll like it? Listen to the...
Parent series: my kid is so clean; he washes his hands multiple times. watch out for Contamination OCD!
If you’ve read our blogs before, you’re probably familiar with the term OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Today we’re talking about a specific subset of OCD in a specific age range – Child and adolescent contamination OCD. There are many different types of OCD,...
Values Jounal
‘It’s not about how long you live; It’s about how you live” is a quote you may have heard before, and it’s one that Dr. Nic Hooper, of the ACT Centre for Wellbeing, goes into explaining. He explains that how you live is not based on accomplishments, a set list of...
Parent series: appreciation skills– “I see you”
Dr. Zurita Ona’s recently published book discusses parenting skills that they may be especially helpful for parents of teens who seem to have an emotional switch that turns to the max in response to small triggers. One of the core skills emphasizes appreciation of...
Parents series: Nobody wins when you play the blame game!
When you first imagined being a parent, you probably imagined fun times, shared memories of meaningful connections, and perfect family meals together. It is unlikely you imagined the often-painful realities of parenting a teen that struggles with emotion...
Parent series: experimenting with alcohol versus abusing alcohol
What do you do if you find out your teen has tried alcohol? This can be a difficult and concerning time for parents. However, there is a difference between typical adolescent experimentation with alcohol, versus alcohol abuse. To be clear – any alcohol use is illegal...
Parent series: Are you in judgment mode?
[bctt tweet="“The ability to evaluate, classify, criticize, and judge is unique to human beings, and we’re evolutionarily wired to do it; our early ancestors learned to differentiate what’s good from what’s bad, so they could put their efforts toward preventing...
Parent series: are you parenting a super-feeler?
Does your kid "feel too much, too quick, and too soon?' Is your teen a highly sensitive teen? If so, you know that parenting highly sensitive teens can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. You feel stressed out, impatient, angry, frustrated, powerless, or...
Superhero Therapy: an interview with Dr. Janina Scarlet
We had the distinct pleasure of getting a chance to talk with Dr. Janina Scarlet last month about her unique approach to therapy, called Superhero Therapy. This model uses clients' connections and identifications with superheroes or fictional characters to...
Parent series: 1:0 asking vs. quickly solving
[bctt tweet="“Teens who suffer with emotional sensitivity often want their struggle to be seen instead of negatively judged, appreciated instead of minimized, and discovered rather than quickly solved. This is not easy for any parent in the midst of an argument, but...
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is No Joke!
[bctt tweet="To me, one of the cruelest tricks of mental illness is its ability to convince the sufferer that it isn’t there at all." username=""] A recent article by Emily Dixon posted in Time magazine showed her struggle with OCD and a wrenching, shadowed side of...
Giving a damn: how to figure out the stuff that matters
Guest contributor, Ben Sedley is a Clinical psychologist and ACT therapist. His book Stuff That Sucks: A Teen's Guide to Accepting What You Can't Change and Committing to What You Can is available now. Remember when you were sitting in Values Class at school, debating...
Scavenger Hunt at EBBTC!
Come join us on Saturday, October 7th for a free event at EBBTC! We'll be doing a fun scavenger hunt, playing with OCD and finding new ways of interacting with our anxiety, all while winning prizes along the way. Click on the image to see the full-size flyer. ...
Parent series: is your teen sad or depressed?
Depression is a term that’s thrown around a lot in our daily lives and often used synonymously with feeling sad. However, depression is a clinical disorder and needs to be addressed as such. This blog post will help parents better understand and differentiate between...
Interview with Unstuck: An OCD Kids movie
We previously introduced the movie "Unstuck: An OCD Kids Movie" and now we have the pleasure of hearing from the creators, Chris Baier and Kelly Anderson! Read on for the interview: How did you come up with the idea to create Unstuck? KA: After my daughter was...
Parent series: intensive versus weekly therapy for OCD
If your child is struggling with OCD symptoms it can be a challenging time for you, your kid, and your family. Whether they are newly diagnosed, or have received treatment previously, you have some decisions to make for what kind of treatment they will need to get...
Giveaway: Parenting A Troubled Teen
We are so excited to announce that Goodreads is offering a chance to get a free copy of Dr. Zurita Ona's latest book, Parenting a Troubled Teen! This practical book is a great resource to parents who have frequent conflicts with their emotional teens, and walks...
Parent series: my teen silently prays, repeat sentences: Watch out for OCD! (pure OCD)
While many people are familiar with the words Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), the way in which OCD shows up in an individual can vary dramatically. Most people are familiar with OCD that involves symptoms of hand washing or cleaning, but there are many other...
Tribute to Lee Baer
"You are not so abnormal as you think. Every human being is visited from time to time by the Imp of the Perverse, who makes you think the most inappropriate thoughts at the most appropriate times." - Lee Baer, Imp of the Mind Lee Baer, Ph.D. was a leading clinician...
Parent series: Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Does your child experience chronic, severe, and persistent irritability? Children are moody, but your child may be experiencing irritability, anger, mood swings and temper outbursts at levels that are intensely out of proportion to the situation and frequent enough...
Parent series: he does his homework so perfect: watch out for OCD!
The presentations of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be very different and some ways that children are actually acting on their OCD may be very subtle, such as doing their homework “perfectly”. These are some things to look out for if you find your child is...
Parent series: My kid is picking his skin- what is dermatillomania?
It is common for adolescents to become more focused on grooming and appearance as they mature. However, there are disorders of typical grooming behaviors that sometimes develop too. If you have noticed your child picking at scabs or their acne and wondered if this is...
Parent series: my kid is pulling his hair- what is trichotillomania and what to do about it
What is it? Trichotillomania is defined as repeatedly pulling out one’s own hair. The hair could be in any area of the body but some of the most common sites are the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids. If you notice your kid repetitively pulling out hair from any part of...
Bilingual workshop for Caregivers of children with OCD
Come out this weekend to see EBBTC present on how to take a moment before reacting in OCD-enabling ways with children struggling with the disorder. Dr. Z will be leading this bilingual English-Spanish workshop on July 8th from 12:30-2pm. This bilingual...
Scavenger Hunt for kids with OCD
EBBTC will be out in full force at the OCD Conference in San Francisco this coming weekend! They will be leading a scavenger hunt from 4 - 5:30pm for kids struggling with OCD. For many kids, OCD can stop them from doing fun things in life and can even...
Parents of Teens Support Group
East Bay Behavior Therapy Center will be at the San Francisco OCD Conference next week! The first presentation will be a support group for parents of teens, on July 6th, Thursday from 6:30-7:30 pm. Parenting is one of the most rewarding and amazing tasks;...
ACBS Recap #3: ACT for Emotion Dysregulation
In our last of the recaps, we thank Dr. Z for sharing her knowledge to advance the field and help those dealing with anxiety or emotion dysregulation. ACT for Emotion Dysregulation Problems (Borderline Personality Disorder) In a presentation targeted towards...
ACBS Recap #2: Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
We continue to hear about Dr. Z's great work at the World Conference over the past week. The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Where are we succeeding and where are we falling short? In this panel, Dr. Z spoke to her evidence-based knowledge of how anxiety...
ACBS Recap #1: ACT 101 for Parents
Dr. Zurita Ona recently was in Seville for the ACBS Annual World Conference. Here, we recap one of her presentations: It's Not My Fault, It's Not His Fault: ACT 101 for Parents of Emotionally Dysregulated Teens. This presentation helped parents break the cycles of...
Life in Rewind
Ed Zine's OCD was so severe, at age 24, that it took him seven hours to move from the end of his bed to the basement door in anticipation of meeting Michael Jenike, the psychiatrist who would help him. The mantra of 'Time equals Progression, Progression equals...
Tim Ferriss: Defining your fears instead of your goals
Tim Ferriss was chosen as one of Fortune's "40 under 40." He's an early-stage advisor and investor to many now-ubiquitous companies including Uber, Duolingo, Facebook, and Alibaba, and he's written multiple New York Times and Wall Street Journal #1 bestsellers,...
Unstuck: An OCD Kids movie
Produced by Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier, parents of children with OCD, Unstuck is about showing kids as they truly are, OCD experts. The movie focuses on what kids know, the challenges they have overcome and the tools they have learned to fight back. Watch the...
Brandon Marshall and Project 375
Brandon Marshall is a wide receiver for the New York Giants, and the co-founder of Project 375, a foundation dedicated to eradicating mental health stigma and improving quality of care for those in need. He spoke recently with The Players' Tribune about how he decided...
For parents: What NOT to do if your kid is introverted by nature
Introversion and extroversion are reliable personality characteristics that have a biological basis, and as a parent it’s important to respect your child or teen’s comfort level if they have more of an introverted personality. It’s tough for an introvert to be raised...
30-minute interview: emotion regulation on half-our-intern
“What do I do in the moment when I feel like screaming and killing the person? Well, #1, don’t kill the person, it’s illegal. Have you ever been cut off in traffic and felt that you now had a personal vendetta against the person in the other vehicle? Have you ever...
Behaviorism in daily life: from the New York Times
As a behavior therapists, we understand daily life, interactions with others, and world events under the lenses of behaviorism. Sometimes, people have misconceptions about behaviorally oriented therapists and think of us as being cold, dry, or too robotic. Times have...
How Do I Find the Right Provider for Me?
A couple of weeks ago, we published a post on how to choose a therapy for your child based on the theoretical orientation of the clinician. This post is a continuation to the previous one and it will give you information about how to choose therapist based on the...
Parent Series: The A-B-C’s of Behavioral Plans
A couple of months ago, we published a post: Behavioral plans, step-by-step and explained parents how to create a behavioral plan, in detail; you can even use the charts we suggested as a template for implementing your behavioral plans at home. Just as a brief...
Parent Series: Home Schooling: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
You might be wondering about the impact of homeschooling on your kids of teens, and you’ve probably heard some assumptions about how homeschooling impacts children. According to the 2012 National Center for Education Statistics, approximately 3% of school-aged...
How to Choose a Therapist for You, Your Child or Teen
When it comes to selecting a therapy for your child or teen, there are several of different types of therapy approaches and therapist to choose from; it can be overwhelming to research theoretical orientations and techniques that therapists use. As the consumer of...
Positive Feedback Even Though Your Child Is Misbehaving
Why is it that children enter the stage of the ‘terrible twos’? Is it due to genetics, or outside environmental influences? It’s likely a little of both, and one way to mitigate some of these negative behaviors is through using positive feedback. Research shows that...
Why Parent Coaching Matters in the Treatment of Children
Some parents are hesitant to come into therapy when their child is struggling with depression, anxiety or behavioral problems. They may tell me “my kid has something wrong with him, why would you need to have sessions with me?” I’d like this blog post to look closely...
OCD, photography, & J. William Keedy!
What do you get when you cross an artist/photographer with an unspecified anxiety-based mental illness? Some incredible images that give an insider’s view of how it feels to live with OCD and anxiety. Click on the following link to see the extraordinary work of John...
Emotional advice? a 2 min video worth watching!
Parent series: Why an IEP? What is an IEP: nuts and bolts
It can be torture to watch your child struggle in school, but you don’t have to be alone. There are federal laws in place to support your family in meeting academic milestones. Support is defined as either modifications or accommodations to the teaching curriculum....
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his battle with depression
Depression can affect anyone, and not everyone who suffers with it shows it. Take Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He has struggled with depression, and has opened up about how he dealt with it. Click on the link below for his...
Parents series: A 504 or an IEP?
Your child is struggling in school, and you know they need help, but where do you turn? Many parents start by hiring a tutor, but for some children, this isn’t enough. If you think the classroom setting itself is not facilitating learning, it’s probably time to look...
From our friends: OCD & Anxiety Summer Camp for Teens
We spoke with Kevin Ashworth over at the NW Anxiety Institute in Portland about an amazing Fight Fear Summer Camp they have coming up in 2017 for teens 10-17 years old with OCD and Anxiety! The camp will be from June 12th to the 16th next Summer, described as 90% fun...
Let’s not forget Movember: 1 Moustache at a Time
Movember started as a dare in a bar in 2003. Now, it's a worldwide movement that raised $126 million for prostate cancer research last year and continues to strive to spread awareness on men's health, including mental health and suicide. Take a look at this TEDx talk...
What Does Dialectical Mean?
We all get used to using acronyms, but sometimes we don't know quite what they mean. DBT, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy, for example, is a type of treatment that is very effective for emotion regulation problems or “feeling too much, too quick, too soon." It's a...
From our friends: Stu & OCD Stories
We recently had a great conversation with Stu from the OCD Stories, a brilliant resource to learn more about overcoming OCD, and are excited to share our exchange with our readers. Stu is a smart, informed, and passionate person who has conquered OCD in many ways;...
Let’s learn “how to negotiate!”
Negotiation skills are helpful in buying a car, agreeing to a contract at work, or deciding where to spend Christmas with your spouse. In each of these scenarios, the negotiation is before actually discussing the issue with someone else. Negotiation is at times,...
Grow a Mustache for Movember!
Want a fun and unique way to update your look and do some good? Grow a moustache this month for Movember and start conversations about men's mental health with the hair below your nose! Read more here and find some great styling tips here!
What Causes OCD?
Many of us are aware of the symptoms of OCD, but do we really know the cause behind the symptoms? What is happening in our brains and why is behavior therapy so effective. The following article gives a great overview of how we came to know about OCD and how behavior...
Remember about .. .Movember!
Mental health problems are rampant and this month the EBBTC is supporting the movement to advocate for mental health and spread awareness of mental illness and suicide among men. Mental health issues that go unresolved and untreated carry a higher risk of suicide,...
How are you handling your emotions?
Do you have an emotional switch or emotional dial? Do you often feel like you’re drowning in emotion? Or that you can’t control your emotional reactions to situations or people? Do you have difficulty naming what you feel? Are your reactions and feelings getting in...
From our Friends: Rogers Memorial Hospital
Every day, millions of children, teens and adults are affected by the overwhelming symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorder. Many are so filled with anxiety that they no longer have the ability to leave home, keep a job or maintain...
From our friends: Navigating OCD & Uncertainty
We recently spoke with Jeff Bell, news anchor and author of two relateable and informative resources for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): When in Doubt, Make Belief and Rewind, Replay, Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. We often recommend Jeff’s...
Empathy is understanding
What is Trichotillomania?
What is Trichotillomania? Trichotillomania is a disorder where people engage in repetitive hair pulling. People may pull hair from any number of body areas including the head (most common), eyebrows, arms, etc. Perhaps you recognize this pattern: stroking or playing...
Movember for men’s mental health
November is "Movember" according to the Movember Foundation, a charity focused on men's physical and mental health! Movember is a beautiful time to grow out a mustache, donate to the cause and spread awareness of men's health. Globally, the rate of suicide is alarming...
“I am not ashamed, and I am not afraid.”
Dear readers, Take a read of this story by an outspoken public figure and beauty queen who chose to be open with her mental illness. She talks about the support and love she received at her truthfulness, and also the judgment and discrimination. How else can we...
Are you procrastinating your procrastination?
In 1988, Nike started the campaign, “Just Do It” which is ultimately the worst advice for those of us who tend to procrastinate. Procrastination is delaying action that usually involves uncomfortable feelings such as stress, guilt or criticizing thoughts, negative...
OCD The OCD Diaries – Living in the Precious Present (If You Can Find It)
Bill Brenner brings a humorous and real-life take on living and coping with OCD. In this post, he talks about the struggle of being present in the moment; a struggle that many people can relate to, and the challenge of “staying in the moment" when you’re...
We need our negative emotions
Emotions or feelings, both positive and negative, are bits of important feedback for us, they’re telling us something and we can choose to listen to them, fight them, or avoid them. Here is a very interesting article about emotions and feelings on the Wall Street...
It’s OCD Awareness Week!
Monday was World Mental Health Day and this week is OCD Awareness Week, where we are set to promote awareness, education and understanding of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related conditions! What you can do this week: Speak up and call people out when they...
Looking at yourself through the lenses of trauma
We all create a way in which we make sense of our lives by creating “stories” or "narratives” about different life events, memories, experiences, who we are or who we are not, what make sense to us, and an infinite number of themes. Our mind is constantly active...
Grounding: Getting Back to Our Bodies
There are times when we become so emotionally overwhelmed by anxiety, anger, sadness, frustration, and other emotions, that we lose our connection with our bodies and the world around us, as if we’re fully disconnecting. We feel the intensity of the emotions...
From our Friends: David Adam & OCD
We recently interviewed David Adam, author of The Man Who Couldn't Stop: OCD and the True Story of a Life Lost in Thought. He's been featured in the New York Times and NPR because of his story. Here is what you need to keep in mind when reading this interview: David...
For parents: Is your teen feeling too much, too quick, and too soon?
What is “emotional dysregulation”? Adolescence is a complex developmental period with many remarkable changes occurring; emotion dysregulation may occur when adolescents experience their emotions as intense and overwhelming, as "feeling too much, too quick and too...
Thought for the day:
Emotional tsunamis, self-harm, and suicide
If you're reading this it's likely that you or someone you know is in a lot of pain. Imagine for a moment being stranded in the middle of the ocean and suddenly seeing a huge wave coming at you; anywhere you look to escape there's just more water and the wave is still...
From our friends: OCD and storytelling
We’re always excited to introduce our readers to the incredible work our friends are doing so you can have access to the most effective and “up-to-date" resources to manage any struggle you’re going through. Today, it’s with great pleasure we introduce you to the...
From our friends: OCD Tips with Dr. Allen Weg
There's a great resource on YouTube with brief and easily digestible OCD Tips by the Stress and Anxiety Services of New Jersey and Dr. Allen Weg: "Welcome to OCD Tips. As you will hear in the Introductory video of this video clip series, we decided to embark on this...
Relationship saboteurs: “I’m right, you’re wrong, and it’s not my fault!”
Dear Readers, This is our last post on the series of relationship saboteurs. In this post, we look at another common cycle of conflict that gets established in relationships: I’m right, you’re wrong, and it’s not my fault. Here is the deal: when conflict arrives, you...
A Self-Assessment for PTSD
We are all vulnerable to threatening events in our lives -events such as community violence (e.g., shooting, mugging, burglary, physical or sexual assault, bullying), sexual and/or physical abuse, being in or witnessing a serious car accident, sudden unexpected or...
You’re more than your emotions
Relationship saboteurs: it’s all your fault versus it’s all my fault
It’s a matter of time that all romantic relationships are going to encounter problems, simple and complex ones, from why does she like coffee and he only drinks tea, to why do we have to spend time with your parents when I don’t see mine every weekend? Dealing with...
Emotions are…
Relationship saboteurs: the pursuer-distancer dance
The pursuer-distancer Dance When couples argue it's common for each partner to find ways to cope with their conflict. Some partners pursue and some distance themselves from the conflict. This cycle, pursuer-distancer can become problematic and strain relationships....
Relationship saboteurs
Dear Readers, This month our blog is dedicated to relationships. Let’s start by acknowledging the nature of all relationships and what makes them successful: relationships are living entities that evolve, morph, transform, and to be successful, they require...
A Self-Assessment for Anger
Do you often feel like your head is going to blow over from anger or frustration like a pot of boiling milk? Do you have a hard time controlling your feelings, especially anger? Has anyone ever expressed fear or conflict with your reactions? There are ways to manage...
For parents: Anxiety 101
Anxiety is a normal part life; every human being is wired to experience anxiety. You may not like to hear this, but as we are wired to experience joy, happiness, and other comfortable emotions, we’re also wire to experience sadness, frustration, and anxiety- to name a...
Are you struggling with complicated grief?
Dear Reader, When we think about grief, most of us quickly think about the loss of someone or even the loss of a pet. However, in this post, we want to invite you think about grief as a process that refers not only to losing a pet or a person; but a dream, a hope, or...
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder At some point during childhood most children have difficulty with being away from their parents or caretakers, that’s natural. Perhaps a child will initially express concern about a parent beginning a new job which requires traveling or a...
From our friends: Fusion Academy
By Jeff Kozlowski, Fusion Academy In today’s world, every teenager is challenged to adapt their emotional makeup to meet the demands of our culture. There remain the age-old pressures from peers regarding sex, drugs, and at-risk behavior (e.g. cutting). But...
Sexual Thoughts & OCD
Check out this awesome video on sexual thoughts and OCD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-1XMUAsQCw
An Assessment for Parents
Being a parent of a child or teen with emotion dysregulation, debilitating anxieties or OCD can be extremely confusing, scary and lonely. There’s a way to help. Get informed of where your kid’s struggles are coming from and learn how to effectively respond. Take our...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder?Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is seeing as a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) because it's characterized by intrusive thoughts related to physical appearance, beliefs about others paying particular attention to those body...
Body Image Issues: Self-Assessment
Are you constantly preoccupied with your body? Do you count calories obsessively, more than others around you? Has your body image kept you from doing things you love? Have you avoided people and situations because of you’re scared of hopefully being judged or...
Sensorimotor, somatoform, or hyperawareness OCD
Somatosensory OCD is a specific type of OCD, also referred as hyperawareness OCD or sensorimotor OCD. This type of OCD includes intrusive obsessions about "involuntarily bodily sensations.” For instance, if you were struggling with this sensory motor OCD you will be...
What is gay O.C.D.? One type of Obsessive compulsive disorder that have been very minimally researched is gay OCD that involves obsessions and compulsions around sexual orientation. Sexual orientation fears may involve fear been sexually attracted to individuals of...
OCD Self-Assessment
Are you struggling with obsessive thoughts or excessive fears about contamination, illnesses, death, harm, or doing things right, that are keeping you from living your life? Are your compulsions of checking, or cleaning or checking again disrupting work, school, or...
From one teen to another: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
(Guest blog written by E.R.) The following post was written by a teen based on her direct experience with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). If you are a teen struggling with emotional vulnerability, please read below: I understand the pain people go through with...
Relationship OCD
Many people experience doubts about their intimate relationships. They ask themselves, "is this the person for me?,” "Does this person truly love me?, “Is my partner being loyal?" "Is my partner cheating on me?” Clinicians make it clear that while this is normal and...
TED talk:
Dear Readers, The next TED talk is given by one of the founders of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Steve Hayes, Ph.d. this is a very intimate talk about his struggles, how he learn to live with and learn from them, and how he made a promise to himself to make a...
Communication SOS: Making Requests (Part II)
In the previous post, Communication SOS: What do you want? you learned to recognize your emotions as the first step to really pay attention to what you need or want. Here is the next important skill when dealing with others: making requests. Making requests of others...
From Contemplating Death to Embracing Life?
On New Years Eve, my friend and I perched ourselves atop a large rock and witnessed a beautiful bay area sunset. Eyes on the rapidly evolving color gradations surrounding the Golden Gate Bridge, my friend shared with me how she was responding to a particularly...
Communication SOS (Part II): What Do You Want?
You've committed to practicing grounding, your awareness has increased, you're ready to make your thoughts and feelings known. Not so fast. Ask yourself "What do I want to happen in this situation?" This is a much more involved question than you might think. Are you...
For parents: behavioral plans step by step!
Parents, are there behaviors in which you and your child or teenager engages in that repeatedly lead to conflict? Have you tried to manage these behaviors through punishment, only to find that they continue to occur time and again? If you answered “yes” to the above...
DBT tip: Reducing the emotional rollercoaster of our daily life
Our emotional reactions to other people provide us with important information on what is happening around us. It helps us attend to threats in our environment and prepare us for action. It brings complexity and colors to our lives. However, when our emotions become so...
Part 4: You are trying really hard
You have been trying really hard to manage your teen’s behavior, and maybe by now you have already read many books, took your teen to many therapists, offered your teen money, removed the cell phone, forbidden him to see his friends, denied buying music from...
Mental hibernation?
The longer days and cooler temperatures may serve as a welcome change to some. Others may feel like hibernating inside, dreading the quickly approaching holiday season. Whether you are more inviting of fall or fighting against it, each of us is impacted in our own...
For parents (3): What’s wrong with my teen?
It’s Monday night, and Kathleen returns home after a long day at work; she opens the door and as soon as she enters she hears the voice of her 15-year old daughter, Natalie, “Can I spend the night at my boyfriend’s house?” Caught by surprise, Kathleen pauses, and then...
DBT tip: How can I skillfully maintain important relationships?
On a daily basis, many of us have numerous interactions with persons, such as bosses, family members, friends, partners and teachers, with whom we need or desire to maintain positive relationships. Preserving such relationships is important for reasons including job...
Communication SOS: What did you just say to me?! How to respond skillfully to hurtful comments
Everyone, at some point in their lives, will have an unpleasant encounter with someone who will make an unkind comment. You stand there as any number of thoughts and feelings rush in: "How could you say that?!," "I don't deserve that!" You may even freeze, speechless,...
A moment of pause: short-term decisions versus values-based decisions
In a fast-pace world that promotes multitasking and maintaining constant connections with others, it is increasingly difficult for many of us to find down time to unwind from the stresses that we have accumulated from work and our interpersonal lives. There is...
For parents: what to do if your teen is cutting (Part 2)
Dear Readers: This is the second part of a series of posts for parents who have discovered their teen is cutting and want to know what to do about it. In our previous post, for parents: what to do if you teen is cutting (part 1), we identified specific steps for...
For parents: does lecturing really works…
One of the interesting aspects of working with children is the presence of behavior that seemingly doesn’t serve the child’s own self-interest. For instance, a child may be misbehaving at school, getting into trouble at home and not have any clear friendships. It’s a...
June 13th: Compassion Focused Therapy for Shyness and social anxiety
Dear Readers, We’re counting the days for our upcoming workshop on June 13th: Compassion Focused Therapy for Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder: Compassionate Social Fitness. Why are we counting the days for this event? One reason: quite often we work...
3rd. Annual Social flexibility groups (teens and adults)
Why a social flexibility group? Over the last couple of months we have been working with teens and adults struggling with “fear of embarrassment or humiliation in social situations.” Most people dwell over these situations either before, during, or after them. Sadly,...
Workshop: Compassion focused therapy for shyness & social anxiety
The Shyness Institute and the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center are pleased to announce the upcoming workshop: Compassion Focused Therapy for Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder: Compassionate Social Fitness This introductory course will introduce participants to the...
Interpersonal forcefulness or interpersonal effectiveness?
Do you ever notice that relationships, across the board, are complicated, difficult and require different types of attention? Do you ever notice that no matter how hard you try, relationships are still difficult? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may...
For parents: “My kid doesn’t respond to rewards and punishments.”
One of the most common things I hear from parents is that their child doesn’t respond to rewards or punishments. It’s a source of tremendous frustration for parents, often leaving them without much hope for things to get better. It’s easy to see how hopeless...
For parents: From problem solving mode to emotional detective
It can be challenging for any of us to see a friend, family member, or loved one upset. It can be especially difficult for a parent to see their child this way. Often parents find themselves wanting to “fix” or “solve” the problem for their child so that they are no...
For parents: What to do if your teen is cutting (Part 1)
"I told my daughter that he couldn't go out and next think I know she's yelling at me: "If you don't let me go out with my boyfriend I'm going to cut." "I was cleaning my kid's bed and then I saw a cutting kit, it was the first time I realized that she was cutting."...
For parents: Time Out: Part II
Now that we’ve defined what behaviors will result in time-out, let’s consider implementation. It’s a good idea for a young child to have a designated time-out spot in the home. This could be the corner of a room or in a hallway. A room in the house that is relatively...
Mindfulness: The Three States of Mind
One of the core skills of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), is mindfulness. Studies have shown that mindfulness skills are effective at reducing the odds of having another major depressive episode, reducing symptoms of anxiety, reducing chronic pain, decreasing...
December 6th: 101 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workshop
The East Bay Behavior Therapy Center (EBBTC) is pleased to announce the following workshop in Walnut Creek: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 101 on December 6th (7.5 CE credit hours for psychologists) ACT is a mindfulness-based and behaviorally oriented...
For parents: Why and how to do time-outs?
Time-outs are a highly effective method to decrease problem behaviors. Before we can even being to utilize them, we need to define which behaviors will and will not result in time-outs. Because this issue is so important, our first blog in this series will focus...
For parents: anxiety and avoidance
Managing a child’s anxiety can be quite difficult for parents. Sometimes parents know that the teen usually has an irrational fear and are tempted to talk to reason with their child. This typically feels like running on a rat-wheel as there never seems to be much...
For parents: How to teach “Mindfulness” to Children
"Mindfulness" has revolutionized the field of psychology. It is considered to have created a new type of therapies called third wave behavioral therapies. Despite its success within the field and the overwhelming scientific research on the benefits of mindfulness,...
For parents: Is your teen “trapped” by depression?
The "depression trap" is a term that describes the ways in which feeling depressed leads us to behave in ways the create more depression. When we are depressed we usually don't feel like doing much or we intentionally avoid situations because they are likely to upset...
For parents: School refusal and what to do about it.
School refusal is a big challenge with children. Making matters worse, it’s hard to know exactly why a child is refusing to attend school. One very common reason that children avoid school is due to anxiety. A child may be too anxious to attend school, but doesn’t...
June 2014: Adolescents group
Social flexibility training (adolescents) Do you feel like skipping school because of anxiety? Are you anxious about social situations to the degree that it’s affecting your friendships and schoolwork? Anxiety can be extremely stressful and difficult to deal with in...
News: Therapy Services for children and adolescents.
It is with great pleasure we announce that Dr. Jonah Lakin has recently joined the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center. He will provide empirically-supported treatments in group, individual, and family format for pre-teens and adolescents with mood, anxiety disorders,...
Social anxiety (4): What about dating?
Dear Readers, This is the fourth post of a series about social anxiety; hopefully you'll find them helpful. This particular post is about social anxiety and dating. For those of you struggling with social anxiety, shyness, or introversion, dating can be an especially...
April 2014: Upcoming groups
Please be aware of the following upcoming groups in Walnut Creek that we will be facilitating: DBT skills group for adults. Starting date: April 9th., Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Facilitator: Patricia E. Zurita Ona, Psy.D. Social anxiety group for adults....
Social anxiety (3): Is your child or teen skipping school?
This post is part of a series on social anxiety: (1) social anxiety, shyness, and introversion and (2) what keeps social anxiety going? Although the content of this series is primarily for adults, it also applies to children and adolescents. A national survey...
Social anxiety (2): What keeps social anxiety going?
In our first post, Social Anxiety, shyness, and introversion (1), we described the similarities and differences between social anxiety, shyness, and introversion; in addition, we described specific treatments that have been shown to be effective, as well as provided...
Post-doctoral positions 2014-2015
The East Bay Behavior Therapy Center (EBBTC) is offering a part-time post-doctoral position for 2014-2015 with the possibility for a second year. The East Bay Behavior Therapy Center is a private center dedicated to the "practice, improvement, and dissemination" of...
Anger group: from furious to curious.
The East Bay Behavior Therapy Center (EBBTC) is pleased to announce the following groups in Walnut Creek for January 2014: Anger: From furious to curious (adults) Is anger affecting your relationships? Anger is a natural response but it could become problematic at...
Social flexibility training
Social flexibility training (adults) Are you anxious about social situations to the degree that it’s affecting your life? Anxiety can be extremely stressful and difficult to deal with in your own. This group will allow you to understand how anxiety has become a...
2013 in review
Dear Readers, WordPress.com prepared a 2013 Annual Report for the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center and I thought about sharing it with all of you. Here are some of the highlights: Crunchy numbers The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. Our...
Why evidence-based therapy matters?
For over twenty years I've been passionate about evidence-based therapy or empirically-supported treatments. I continue to believe in the importance of psychological science, clinical data, and the importance of integrating research findings into my clinical work....
Mr. Nelson Mandela and values-driven behaviors
On December 5th, 2013 Mr. Mandela passed away. I found myself thinking about how his life clearly reflects a values-based life. His actions were consistent with his personal values even though he was attacked, insulted, arrested, and persecuted multiple times. Over...
Social Anxiety (1): Social anxiety, shyness, and introversion.
Over my years of practice, I have noticed that a large percentage of my clients are those who struggle with social anxiety or chronic shyness. They come to therapy because of their ongoing difficulties with these issues at school, work, and/or in intimate...
Anger specialists (3): What are the aversive strategies I use?
This is post is the last post on this series of "Anger Specialists: Why do I continue to be angry." In the next paragraphs I’ll describe how anger affects interpersonal relationships and how aversive strategies destroy what people crave the most: intimate...
Anger specialists (2): Why do I continue to be angry?
In my previous post, Anger specialists (1), Why did I become angry?, I presented a definition of problematic anger, introduced the difference between a healthy anger chain and a problematic one, and discussed the most common factors that lead a person to be angry:...
Anger specialists (1): Why did I became angry?
Quite often in therapy, either my clients or their significant others ask me, why did I became angry? What happened? Why am I such an angry person? I decided to answer those questions in detail in a series of posts about anger that will specifically describe why a...
August 2013: anxiety group and why…
Anxiety problems are one of the most common debilitating conditions in the United States; according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million of people (adolescents and adults) struggle with one form of anxiety, and only one-third of them...
Upcoming groups August 2013
It’s with great pleasure that the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center announces its annual groups in the Lamorinda/ Walnut Creek area for August 2013: Anger: From furious to curious (adults) Starting date: Monday, August 19, 2013. Duration: 10 weeks. Description: Anger...
Dr. Zurita Ona’s article for New Harbinger Publications
How to Integrate Values and Exposure Interventions to Treat Anxiety By Patricia E. Zurita Ona, PsyD Over the years, I have found that exposure practices can be very intimidating for clients regardless of the type of anxiety they’re struggling with; also, as we know,...
Is behavioral change possible?
Over the years I worked with clients struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder or emotion regulation problems, in group and individual therapy modalities, as primary therapist, as a consultant, or as a member of a consultation group with other colleagues. It's...
For Parents of Teens: dealing with your teen’s outbursts
If you are a parent to a teen that has intense emotional outbursts, you may have experienced your own emotional outburst because of the way your teen is behaving. Most of the parents I have worked with in clinical practice have come into the therapy room exhausted,...
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and distress
On Monday April the 18th., 2013, I attended a lecture given by my mentor Matthew McKay, Ph.D. on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), exposure-based interventions, and distress management. This lecture was extremely motivating because it opened the door to a room...
Responding To Anxiety Without It Derailing Your Life
I have encountered a lot of people who think anxiety is a bad thing. Don’t get me wrong—if you or someone you know suffers from anxiety, you may be aware of what a horrible or painful experience it can feel like. However, there is a value in having our bodies become...
From anger problems to anger & relationships
In my previous post, “Anger: Behavior account-ability and response-ability,” I described the components of problematic anger responses: high levels of physiological arousal, strong emotions, thinking traps, and aggressive behaviors. Particular emphasis was placed on...
For teens: How to survive a crisis without making things worse (Part 2)
In my previous post “For teens: how to survive a crisis without making things worse (Part 1)” I identified specific strategies you could use when dealing with a crisis. However, “what to do” and “how to do it” often go out the window during a crisis. This is because...
Are you ready to be an architect of change?
The beginning of a new year comes with new resolutions, new goals, and ultimately, the possibility of change. Over the last couple of years I worked with clients who most of the time were “ready to do something different” about their challenges. There were also times...
Anger specialists: Behavioral account-ability and response-ability
"Speak when you're angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret" Dr. Laurence J. Peter Over the years I worked with different clients struggling with angry reactions related to interpersonal conflict, trauma, and life issues in general. The biggest...
For teens: How to survive a crisis without making things worse (Part 1)
Guest writer: Jesse Weller, M.A. Source: my-borderline-personality-disorder.com via HealingFromBPD on Pinterest Have you ever found yourself feeling like the world is about to end? Maybe you just had a fight with someone you really care about. Maybe you experienced...
Emotional decluttering and chain analysis
Cluttering Is About Our Feelings, Not About Piles of Papers" - (From Clutter-Proof Your Business) In my clinical work quite often I hear about moments in which people struggle with problematic situations such as arguments with others, emotional outbursts, ongoing...
Emotion Regulation and Emotional Intelligence
On November 8th, 2012 a new DBT skills module on Emotion Regulation will start at the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center. Emotion regulation skills refer to the "ability to control one's response to emotions." Emotions are complex systems formed by neural and chemical...
How does trauma or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affect you?
Since 2001 the US government has been involved in combat in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF) in Iraq and Afghanistan related to the Global War on Terror. As of September 2010 over 1.9 million U.S. service members have been deployed to...
Types of OCD
Most of the time the media has portrayed certain types of OCD such as cleaners, repeaters, checkers, and others through different sources including movies (e.g. As good as it gets, The Aviator, etc.), and TV shows (e.g. Monk). However, those presentations can...
Health anxiety, somatic obsessions, or hypochondriasis
In the past some academicians and clinicians discussed the difference among "health anxiety, somatic obsessions, or hypochondriasis" while others have looked at their commonalities (e.g. Taylor & Asmundson, 2004). Clinically speaking, all these terms simply refer...
Why research-based, evidence-based, or empirically-supported treatments?
Procrastination refers to intentionally, volitionally delaying or putting off tasks, activities, projects despite their importance and negative consequences in your day-to-day life. These tasks could be related to work, school performance, daily living (laundry,...
James Gross, Ph.D. a-n-d Emotion Regulation
Approximately 3 years ago, I had the opportunity to listen to James Gross, Ph.D. at the annual conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science in Reno, Nevada. Dr. Gross, an emotion theorist and researcher in Stanford, has conducted multiple studies on...
OCD: Do you have thoughts or images about harming yourself or others?
Aggressive obsessions are a type of Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD), and sometimes clinicians refer to it as Harm OCD. They are extremely distressing by nature, feel very uncomfortable, involve people you love the most (romantic partners, relatives, newborn...
Values-based exposure group for Anxiety and its rationale
Over the last thirty years Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of all anxiety disorders including specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, & generalized...
A moment of choice, behaviorally speaking…
Very often in my clinical work I'm face with moments in which I'm inviting my clients "to do" something different from what they usually do when dealing with their struggles; to develop an alternative behavioral repertoire to their pain. Sometimes, my clients are...
From traditional to contemporary exposure work
Over the last couple of months I wrote different posts about exposure and its current clinical applications: Exposure: What is it and why is it important?, (b) Values-based exposure: what is it? Why to do it?, Social phobia/anxiety and values-based exposure). Today, I...
Social phobia/anxiety and values-based exposure
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about what characterizes social phobia/anxiety and mentioned briefly that the most effective treatments have an exposure-based component. Now, occasionally when I tell my clients, new or current ones, about exposure-based interventions...
Social phobia/anxiety and ideopathic craniofacial erytheme
Did you hear the term "ideopathic craniofacial erytheme?" This is a medical term to describe severe facial blushing that can be easily triggered. From time to time in my clinical work with clients struggling with social phobia/anxiety I hear the question: Can you...
Do you have social phobia/anxiety?
According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) approximately about 15 millions of adults in the United States have social anxiety, and 36% of them report symptoms for 10 years or longer. More often than not social anxiety is underdiagnosed and...
Interpersonal dance: are you pushing people away from you or keeping them close?
We all have been shaped by interpersonal interactions with others throughout our lives; since childhood and up to this precise moment when you're reading this post. Through those experiences we have created a "story" of who we are as human beings, how to behave with...
Behavior change: you can start right now, where you are, and with what you have.
We all reach moments in which we know something needs to "radically change" either in our relationships, career, spiritual life, health, or any other life areas. Think for a moment about the times in which you simply couldn't keep doing or living as you had been up to...
Validation: I see you.
Before you start reading this post about "validation" please see the following youtube video: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aks0bco7IQQ] I found this short-film to be a great reminder of the importance of validation in the context of relationships and a nice...
Why “coping” is important in our lives?
During my years of graduate school I became interested in the processes of "primary pain" and general people responses to it. That was the path that led me to read, research, and write about "coping." For the purposes of this post, coping is understood as "any...
Emotion phobia, what is it? what to do about it?
The first time I heard the term "emotion phobia" was when I was a graduate student and attended a workshop on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) given by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. Over the years in my career as a Clinical Psychologist I've become more and more interested...
Values-based exposure: what is it? Why to do it?
My previous post was about exposure: what is it and why is it important. I'm certain that if you search about exposure on google you will find a significant amount of academic and non-academic information on the different types of exposure, how to do it, when to do...
Exposure: What is it and why is it important?
Approximately twenty years ago, Edna Foa, Ph.D. started delivering exposure-based interventions for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in particular. Dr. Foa’s pioneer clinical work has not only tremendously...